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Woolfolk himself put her on the beach; and, with the tender canted on the sand, steadied her spring. As her hand rested on his arm it gripped him with a sharp force; a response pulsed through his body; and an involuntary color rose in her pale, fine cheeks. Nicholas, stolidly set with his shoes half buried in the sand, surveyed them without a shade of feeling on his thick countenance.

For a moment they rested face to face, with arms limply clasped about the opposite shoulders. Then they turned over on the floor; they turned once more, and suddenly the darkness was empty beneath John Woolfolk. He fell down and down, beating his head on a series of sharp edges; while a second, heavy body fell with him, by turns under and above.

Millie, too, lost her tension; she showed a feminine pleasure at the yacht's fine napkins, approved the polish of the glass. "It's all quite wonderful," she said. "I have nothing else to care for," Woolfolk told her. "No place nor people on land?" "None." "And you are satisfied?" "Absolutely," he replied with an unnecessary emphasis.

I'd like to unship the propeller, and there's the scraping. It's a good anchorage." "We're moving on south," Woolfolk replied, stating the determination with which he had retired. Then the full sense of Halvard's words penetrated his waking mind. The propeller, he knew, had not opened properly for a week; and the anchorage was undoubtedly good.

Nelson's " Garden's " Rowan " Huger's Battalion. Smith's Battery. Moody " Woolfolk " Parker's " Taylor's " Fickling's " Martin's " Gibb's Battalion. Davidson's Battery. Dickenson's " Otey's " Braxton's Battalion. Lee Battery. 1st Md. Artillery. Stafford " Alleghany " Cutshaw's Battalion. Charlotteville Artillery. Staunton " Courtney " Carter's Battalion. Morris Artillery.

Woolfolk was acutely conscious of her utter isolation with the shivering figure on the porch, the unmaterialized Nicholas. She had delicate hands. "Good-by," he said, bowing formally. "And thank you for the fishing." He whistled sharply for the tender. Throughout the afternoon, with a triangular scraping iron, he assisted Halvard in removing the whitened varnish from the yacht's mahogany.

All the patient expostulation that John Woolfolk had prepared disappeared in a sudden tyranny of emotion, of hunger for the slender, weary figure before him. Seating himself at her side, he burst into a torrential expression of passionate desire that mounted with the tide of his eager words. He caught her hands, held them in a painful grip, and gazed down into her still, frightened face.

"And then," she went on when Woolfolk had somberly failed to comment, "you are going away, you will forget, it can't possibly matter. I must talk, now that I have urged myself this far. After all, you needn't have come back. But where shall I begin? You should know something of the very first. That happened in Virginia.... My father didn't go to war," she said, sudden and clear.

If a slave was convicted of any high misdemeanor, became unmanageable, or evinced a determination to run away, he was brought immediately here, severely whipped, put on board the sloop, carried to Baltimore, and sold to Austin Woolfolk, or some other slave-trader, as a warning to the slaves remaining.

In the space beneath the afterdeck Woolfolk found a spare folded anchor for the tender, a length of rope; and he slowly completed the preparations for his purpose. He lifted the body to the narrow deck outside the rail, and, in a long dip, the waves carried it smoothly and soundlessly away.