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There was, however, one objection to that theory so far as he could judge, that side was certainly the more attractive. And he himself went on to the end of it on until he had left quay and village far behind, and had come to a spit of sand which ran out into the sea exactly opposite the group of rocks of which Mrs. Wooler had spoken.

Yes, I don't think anybody would see through me, and I'm very particular to avoid the clergy." "And you left the stage for this?" asked Copplestone. "Why, now?" "Pays better heaps better," replied the other calmly. "Also, it's more exciting there's much more variety in it. Well, now you know who I am my name, by-the-bye is Gilling, though I'm not the Reverend Gilling, as Mrs. Wooler will call me.

Cobbett most unmercifully for his cowardice in flying his country, and abandoning the Reformers at such a critical moment. Mr. Wooler was excessively severe, and he laid it on with an unsparing hand. I lost no opportunity to vindicate the character of my absent friend, and in doing this I attacked Mr. Wooler as violently as he attacked Mr. Cobbett, for which Mr.

The quick succession of events at that time called forth the following expression of Miss Bronte's thoughts on the subject, in a letter addressed to Miss Wooler, and dated March 31st.

The time passed quietly and happily with this friend, whose society was endeared to her by every year. To Miss WOOLER "Dec. 12th, 1853. "I wonder how you are spending these long winter evenings. Alone, probably, like me.

On the 6th of June, Mr. Wooler was tried for a libel on Ministers; he was acquitted in consequence of doubts having arisen respecting the validity of the verdict of guilty delivered in by the foreman of the jury, although some of them were not agreed in the verdict. On the 9th of June, Messrs.

Cobbett, as a fit and proper person to represent the enlightened citizens of Westminster, and I put him in nomination accordingly. There was a pretty general cry of no! no! and a loud laugh from the gentlemen of the Rump Committee; however, some persons in the crowd seconded my nomination. Mr. Wooler was then called for, as it was understood that he was to propose Major Cartwright.

He's made his way there, been a bit too daring, and slipped over the edge. And whoever falls in there never comes out again! isn't that it, Mrs. Wooler?" "That's what they say," answered the landlady. "But I don't remember any accident at the Devil's Spout in my time." "Well, there's been one now, anyway that's flat," remarked Addie. "Poor old Bassett I'm sorry for him! Well, I'm off.

The newcomer stopped short on the threshold as she caught sight of a stranger, and she glanced with sharp inquisitiveness at Copplestone as he rose from his chair. "Oh! I supposed you were alone, Mrs. Wooler," she exclaimed. "You usually are, you know, so I came in anyhow sorry!" "Come in," said the landlady. "Don't go, Mr. Copplestone. This is Miss Adela Chatfield.

From Alnwick Surrey sent a letter pledging himself to meet James by September 9th, and challenging him to battle, a challenge which was promptly accepted by the Scottish king. Marching from Alnwick towards the Scottish army, Surrey encamped on September 6th on Wooler Haughs. James had formed his camp on Flodden Hill, and all Surrey's devices could not induce him abandon this strong position.