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"We need never run short of fuel, and when the fire is going and the door shut I don't see why we shall not be as warm as in our own home at Woodvale. But what shall we do? That's the question. It will be tiresome beyond bearing to lie here stretched hour after hour during the day." "Plague take it!" impatiently exclaimed Victor; "who is going to do anything of the kind?

At last the bridge at Woodvale, which had given way a short time before, struck the house and split it asunder, as a knife might have split a piece of paper. "The force of the shock carried us out upon the débris, and we floated around upon it for hours, finally landing near the bridge. She had obeyed the Master's summons." A Miraculous Escape.

The old farm makes a sporty golf course, and I cannot say that I have ever regretted my action in signing the lease which transfers its use to the Woodvale Golf and Country Club for a long term of years. I doubt if the two hundred odd acres ever yielded so large an income as I now receive semi-annually from the treasurer of the club, but this does not appeal to my Uncle Henry.

On comparing dates we found that I had left Albuquerque before the letter could arrive there, and that it probably had not been forwarded to Woodvale in time so that I would get it prior to my sailing. "It was a cold and formal letter," she said, trying to look severe. "I don't care anything about the old letter, sweetheart," I declared, "now that I have found you."

"You can do me a favour, if you will, Smith," he said. "I shall stay over night in Oak Cliff. We have visitors coming to Woodvale to-morrow evening, and I should be back here to dine with them by six o'clock. There is no train from Oak Cliff within hours of that time, and it has occurred to me that the folks might come for me in the red machine.

In the once well populated boroughs of Conemaugh and Woodvale there are to-night literally but two buildings left, one the shell of the Woodvale Woolen Mill and the other a sturdy brick dwelling.

The point of observation is on the hillside, midway between the woolen mills of Woodvale and Johnstown proper, which I reached to-day after a journey through the portions of the city from which the waters, receding fast, are revealing scenes of unparalleled horror. From the point on the hillside referred to an excellent view of the site of the town can be obtained.

I intended to write of our automobile trip, but the hour is late and I must postpone it until some other time. Good night, John Henry Smith! I started to tear out what I wrote last night, but on second thought will let it remain. Its perusal in future years may amuse me. I will now resume the trail of Woodvale happenings.

He thought a moment and then produced one of his cards. "Write this for me, Smith. My hand is too shaky. Let's see," and then he dictated the following: "While playing golf I was attacked by this bull. Send bill for bull to Woodvale Club." "I should say that was all right," he said, reading it carefully. "It is short and does not go into unnecessary details."

"I did listen to you," declared that young lady with a triumphant laugh. "I did listen to you, and I have sharp ears. You are to have your first exclusive lesson to-morrow evening. I make the discovery that Mr. Wallace knows more of golf than all of you Woodvale boys together, and then you seek to monopolise his skill. That's what he did, girls, and he dare not deny it! What do you think of him?"