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My name must not be used to call any such meeting." Then she added, "Mrs. Woodhull has the advantage of us because she has the newspaper, and she persistently means to run our craft into her port and none other.

With one withering glance at Beverly, the teachers, and all concerned, Miss Woodhull remarked scathingly: "If you were capable of such expedition in worthier causes you would lead the school," and glancing neither to the right nor left, swept from the room.

I believe I was going to love you, until now, although I had promised him you know Captain Woodhull. Oh, you see, I understand a little of what it was to you what made you " She spoke disconnectedly. "I believe I believe I'd not have cared. I believe I could follow a man to the gallows. Now I will not, because you didn't tell me you were a thief. I can't trust you.

She even omitted Rochester so that she might be in time for the national woman suffrage convention in Washington in January 1872, for which Mrs. Hooker, Mrs. Davis, and Mrs. Stanton were preparing. She found Victoria Woodhull with them, her presence provoking criticism and dissension.

Bonnell and several of the teachers were wholly indignant that she had not instantly communicated with Beverly's family, as was obviously her duty. Mrs. Bonnell openly urged it. Miss Woodhull pooh-poohed the idea. "Beverly would come back when she recovered from her fit of sulks, and would be properly punished for her conduct by expulsion.

Woodhull had petted Katy from the first day of her arrival in Canandaigua with a letter of introduction to herself from the ambitious mother, and being rather inclined to match-making, she had had Katy in her mind when she urged Wilford to accompany her to the seminary.

Banion's hand was likewise employed at his wet saddle holster, to which he sprang, and perhaps then one man would have been killed but for Bill Jackson, who spurred between. "Make one move an' I drop ye!" he called to Woodhull. "Ye've give yer promise." "All right then, I'll keep it," growled Woodhull. "Ye'd better! Now listen!

To be sure, she heard stories crediting Benjamin Butler with the authorship of the Woodhull Memorial, and rumors reached her of Victoria's unorthodox views on love and marriage and of her girlhood as a fortune teller, traveling about like a gypsy and living by her wits.

Woodhull perhaps had the better of it by a few pounds in weight, and forsooth looked less slouchy out of his clothes than in them. His was the long and sinewy type of muscle. He was in hard condition. Banion, two years younger than his rival, himself was round and slender, thin of flank, a trace squarer and fuller of shoulder.

I believe Mrs. Woodhull was more than half in love with him, and she is an old woman compared with me. By the way, what did she mean by introducing me to him as the daughter of Judge Lennox? I meant to have asked her, but forgot it afterward. Was father ever a judge?" "Not properly," Morris replied.