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He approved of my suggestion, and promised to send back the wagons as soon as he reached Fort Marcy. The wood-yard being well supplied with fuel, I saw no reason why the wagons and mules could not be spared the ten days necessary to make the round trip.

There is less soap and sugar and fewer candles at the grocery, less wood and coal in the wood-yard, fewer oxen and sheep in the markets, less meat at the butcher's, less grain and flour at the corn-exchange, and less bread at the bakeries.

For more than thirty years now the Aire Saint-Mittre has presented a different appearance. One day the townspeople, far too inert and indifferent to derive any advantage from it, let it, for a trifling consideration, to some suburban wheelwrights, who turned it into a wood-yard.

The Germans took it. It cost them ten thousand men. The ground around it was like a wood-yard piled with logs. The big shell-holes were full of corpses. There were a few of us that got away. Then our company was sent to hold the third redoubt on the slope in front of Port de Vaux. Perhaps you have heard of that redoubt. That was a bitter job. But we held it many days and nights.

Repetition may make a sentiment trite, and into a slangish phrase may turn a wise truism, but words spoken to encourage an anxious heart do not lose their freshness. "Yes, I am quite sure of it," he repeated. And the next day a letter came. It bore no post mark; the captain of a steamboat had sent it over from a wood-yard.

I doubted whether the Germans would even attempt to break through I thought they would merely hold the Western Front and throw the Allies out of Macedonia, Palestine, and Mesopotamia. The winter was over and the fine weather had set in. For several months we had been working in a wood-yard and saw-mills.

Your hangman will be there," and Vernon chuckled at the thought of the scene he had witnessed near the wood-yard. Maxwell's teeth grated, and Hatchie distinctly heard the malediction he bestowed upon him. Fears for his personal safety did not, for a moment, disturb him. Prudence alone prevented him from rushing upon the villains, and thwarting in its embryo stage their design upon his mistress.

The straight brows went up a little; the man himself stiffened slightly. Without further words he moved across to the door into the conservatory and looked through it. He was in time to see Rufus's great, lounging figure sauntering away in the direction of the wood-yard. Knight stood a moment or two and watched him, then quietly turned and rejoined the girl.

She has not seen me since the row at the wood-yard, and I intend to transact all business with her through De Guy." "She is a difficult case," suggested Vernon, to fill up a pause in Maxwell's speech. "Now, it has occurred to me," continued Maxwell, "that you could manage her like a young lamb." "I!" exclaimed Vernon. "Certainly. You stand well with her, do you not?" "Like a saint."

You may see a cooper, for instance, sitting in his doorway and twirling his thumbs as he talks with a neighbor. To all appearance he owns nothing more than a few miserable boat-ribs and two or three bundles of laths; but below in the port his teeming wood-yard supplies all the cooperage trade of Anjou. He knows to a plank how many casks are needed if the vintage is good.