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It was strange, but this was really his first woman friend. If, as he hoped, she became his friend. Lady Sunderbund entered the breakfast room in a gusty abundance like Botticelli's Primavera, and kissed Mrs. Garstein Fellows good-morning. She exhaled a glowing happiness. "He is wondyful," she panted. "He is most wondyful." "Mr. Hidgeway Kelso?" "No, the dee' bishop! I love him.

"You have gone at one step to a new 'iligion!" He stared for a moment at the phrase. "To religion," he said. "It is so wondyful," she said, with her hands straight down upon the couch upon which she was sitting, and leaning forward at him, so as to seem almost as much out of drawing as a modern picture. "It seems," he reflected; " as if it were a natural thing."

"Oh, I've been thinking all the time of all the things you told me. Ova and ova. It's all so wondyful and so so like a G'ate Daw opening. New light. As if it was all just beginning." She clasped her hands. The bishop felt that there were a great number of points to this situation, and that it was extremely difficult to grasp them all at once.

The architect would be so free that "Absolutely free," interrupted the young architect. "He might, for example, build a temple like a star." "Or like some wondyful casket," said Lady Sunderbund.... And also there was a musician with fuzzy hair and an impulsive way of taking the salted almonds, who wanted to know about religious music.

"Wondyful!" cried Lady Sunderbund. "Tell me, Lady Sunderbund," said the bishop, "are you going to alter the outer appearance of the old doctor's house?" And found that at last he had discovered the saving topic. "Ha'dly at all," she said. "I shall just have it pointed white and do the doa I'm not su' how I shall do the doa. Whetha I shall do the doa gold or a vehy, vehy 'itch blue."