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We timidly entered and walked up to the Tower. "So that's th' Steeple!" "Isn't it fine?" "Aye, it's wondtherful, but wudn't it be nice t' take our boots off an' jist walk aroun' on this soft nice grass on our bare feet?" The lawn was closely clipped and as level as a billiard table. The trees were dressed in their best summer clothing.

"Aye, heaven only knows, fur I'll hand down t' m' future ancestors the O'Hara brand ov rosemary tobacco!" "Wondtherful, wondtherful!" Jamie said, in mock solemnity. "Aye, t' think," Anna said, "that ye invinted it in our house!" We forgot our hunger pangs in the excitement. Jamie filled his pipe and the two men smoked for a few minutes. Then a fly appeared in the precious ointment.

"Aye," Jamie would say, "it's jist wondtherful what we can do if we haave th' right kind ov a conscience!" Jamie's first duty on Sunday was to clean out the thrush's cage. He was very proud of Dicky and gave him a bath every morning and a house cleaning on Sunday. We children loved Sunday. On that day Anna reigned.

The chimney-sweep stepped forward and, tapping Jamie on the forehead, said: "Two great minds workin' on th' same thought shud projuce wondtherful results, Jamie; lend me a chew ov tobacco!" "Ye've had larks for supper, Billy; yer jokin'!" Jamie said. "Larks be damned," Billy said, "m' tongue's stickin' t' th' roof ov me mouth!"

His pockets were taxed to their full capacity and those who gathered around the table that morning wished that the "luck of God" would spread a little. "Th' feeries must haave been t' see ye," Jamie said, eyeing his pockets. "Aye, gey sauncy feeries, too!" "Did ye see aany, Hughie?" Anna asked. "No, but I had a wondtherful dhrame." The announcement was a disappointment to us.

Summed up it meant, "Sure it's jist wondtherful ye warn't shot!" When we were alone, alone with Withero, Mary "wet" a pot of tea and warmed up a few farrels of fadges! and we commenced. Little was said, but feeling ran high. It was like a midnight mass.