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Just the point that you aren't a woman-hater? just the point that you're heir to a peerage? You talk like Tom o' Bedlam." "Well, you see," expounded John, unruffled, "as an adorer of the sex, and heir to a peerage, I shouldn't want to marry a woman unless I could support her in what they call a manner becoming her rank and I couldn't." "Couldn't?" the lady scoffed. "I should like to know why not?"

"I don't see a flaw in Rob, except for his being a woman-hater, and he surely hasn't betrayed that fact to her, judging from his manner toward her. I think he is making an effort to be nice to her on my account, and she doesn't appreciate it." "I asked her what the flaw was, and she flushed and said she couldn't tell me."

Why, his grandfather was an inveterate woman-hater, as all the world knows." "I know," agreed Mrs. Lorimer. "That was really what made it so remarkable. I assure you, Miss Whalley, Piers came to me only last night and told me with tears in his eyes that just at the last poor Sir Beverley said to him: 'I believe you've pitched on the right woman after all, lad.

I suppose you'll be suggesting a children's day next, and after that a parrot's or a canary-bird's day." "I had no idea you were such a woman-hater," said Raleigh, in astonishment. "What's the matter? Were you ever disappointed in love?" "I? How absurd!" retorted Confucius, reddening. "The idea of my ever being disappointed in love!

He clapped a careless hand on the lad's shoulder as they turned up the path together towards the streaming red light. "You're a bit of a woman-hater, aren't you?" said Tommy. And Monck laughed again his short, rather bitter laugh; but he said no word in answer. In the room with the crimson-shaded lamp Stella Denvers sat waiting.

"Well no wife could I hear of in all that time; and being by nature something of a woman-hater, I have found it no hardship to keep mostly at a distance from the sex. No wife could I hear of, I say, till this very day. And now she has come back." "Come back, has she!" "This morning this very morning. And what's to be done?" "Can ye no' take her and live with her, and make some amends?"

Besides, I'm in earnest, and I'm not a woman-hater." "Oh, but every one says you are," chattered Billy. "And, after all, you know it IS distinguishing!" With a disdainful exclamation the man sprang to his feet. For a time he paced the room in silence, watched by Billy's fearful eyes; then he came back and dropped into the low chair at Billy's side. His whole manner had undergone a complete change.

"If you attempt the conquest, I'll warn you there will be scaling ladders and all the ancient paraphernalia of siege needed," said Doctor Gordon laughingly. James colored. "It may be that I am a woman-hater," he replied, and looked very young. Doctor Gordon again laughed. A little later they went to Georgie K.'s. They went nearly every evening while Annie Lipton was with Clemency.

Strange developments must have taken place during his absence, if Lenox the woman-hater, the confirmed recluse were actually dining out. He approached the snoring Pathan and roused him, not ungently, with the toe of his boot.

Until he died how would Andor and a penniless wife contrive to live? For Lakatos Pál was a miser and hoarded his money moreover, he was a confirmed bachelor and woman-hater; he would do nothing for Andor if the young man chose to marry. Ah, well! it was a pity! for a better-looking, better-matched pair could not be found in the whole county of Arad.