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Next day I was in the middle of the Black Country. I had no letters of introduction to employers in Wolverhampton; so that, without stopping there, I proceeded at once to Dudley. The Black Country is anything but picturesque. The earth seems to have been turned inside out. Its entrails are strewn about; nearly the entire surface of the ground is covered with cinder-heaps and mounds of scoriae.

He had no idea what mad schemes might lurk beneath Carter's episcopalian frock, and was determined to gain any headway he could. "It seems funny your coming to Wolverhampton," said Kathleen. "So few 'varsity men ever get here. But it's certainly a blessing for Dad. He'll talk antiquities with you as long as you like." "Are you interested in the subject?" asked Blair.

"It met with such violent opposition in Parliament that it had to be broken up, though it was immediately revived by Lord Palmerston, under the chairmanship of Sir Benjamin Hall. I was at this time engineer to the Birmingham and Wolverhampton Waterworks." The lad who had been stone-mason and bricklayer, sawyer and carpenter, was earning £5,000 a year.

STAFFORD TO SHREWSBURY. The third line diverging from Stafford, counting the continuation of the London as a fourth, is the railway to Shrewsbury, passing through NEWPORT and WELLINGTON, where it joins the direct line from Wolverhampton, and affording, by a continuation which passes near Oswestry, Chirk, and Llangollen, to Wrexham, Chester, and Birkenhead, another route to Liverpool, and, through Chester, the nearest way to Holyhead and Ireland.

The state of Sheffield was not less severe and the blast furnaces of Wolverhampton were extinguished.

His Worship entered the private office with mayoral assurance, pulling in his wake a stout old lady whom he introduced as his aunt from Wolverhampton. And he calmly proposed that Mr Blackshaw should show the mayoral aunt over the new Electricity Works! Mr Blackshaw was sick of showing people over the Works. Moreover, he naturally despised the Mayor.

After Henry Irving's sudden death in October of the same year, some of his friends protested against the statement that it was the kind of death that he desired that they knew, on the contrary, that he thought sudden death inexpressibly sad. I can only say what he told me. I stayed with him about three hours at Wolverhampton.

The headquarters of the expedition will be the Blue Boar Inn at Wolverhampton. The Kriegspiel will begin to-day at 2 P.M., and manoeuvres will continue without intermission until someone is declared the winner, or until time is called.

I know few spectacles more curious than that which awaits you when you have shot up in the express elevator to the top of the Auditorium tower on the one hand, the blue and laughing lake, on the other, the city belching volumes of smoke from its thousand throats, as though a vaster Sheffield or Wolverhampton had been transported by magic to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

The word "antiquarian" in the directory had given me a notion. On a blank I composed the following message, after some revisions: MISS KATHLEEN KENT, 318, Bancroft Road, WOLVERHAMPTON. My friend John Blair of Trinity now in Wolverhampton for historical study staying at Blue Boar nice chap American may he call on you if so send him a line sorry can't write hurt hand playing soccer love to all.