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Prince Conti, the same who ran to join Maillebois, and has proved a gallant fellow and got command of a Division, attends Broglio in this important interview at Wolnzach: To which Broglio declared he could by no means assent, not having any order from Paris of that tenor.

Take this other symbolic passage, of nearly the same date; posterior, as we guessed, to that Interview at Wolnzach. "DINGELFINGEN, 17th MAY, 1743. At Dingelfingen on the Iser, a strongish central post of the French, about fifty miles farther down than that Schloss of Wolnzach, there is a second argument, much corroborative of the Kaiser's reasoning.

It was remarked, he quitted Munchen in a day or two; preferring Country Palaces still unruined, for example, Wolnzach, a Schloss he has, some fifty miles off, down the Iser Valley, not far from the little Town of Mosburg; which, at any rate, is among the Broglio-Seckendorf posts, and convenient for business.

Will he have to hurry back to Frankfurt, to bankruptcy and furnished lodgings, nay to the Britannic Majesty's tender mercies, whose Army is now actually there? Those indignant prophesyings to Broglio, at the Schloss of Wolnzach, have so soon come true! And Broglio and the French are what a staff to lean upon!