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'Do you know if your squire has sold his estate yet? asked a guttural voice from the second sledge. 'You shouldn't ask him such a question, Fritz, remonstrated his companion. 'Oh! the devil take the whole business! replied Fritz. 'Aha, here they are again! said Slimak. 'What do all those Old Testament Jews want? asked Maciek. 'There was only one Jew, the others are Germans from Wolka.

I've said to myself: I will have a mill at Wolka, and a mill at Wolka I have, although the Jews twice set fire to it. I said: My son shall be a doctor, and a doctor he will be. And now I've said: Hamer, your son must have a windmill, so he must have a windmill. Pour out another glass, Wilhelm, good my son-in-law brews it. What? no more beer? Then we'll go to bed.

'You won't give thirty-five roubles for an acre. 'Land is getting dearer, because the Germans want to buy it. 'The Germans? 'Those who bought Wolka. They want other Germans to settle near here. 'There were two Germans near my field asking me a lot of questions. I didn't know what they wanted. 'There you are! they creep in.

'Farewell! we shall meet again! cried the old man. The carriage rolled away. 'What a crew they are on the highroad to-day, it's like a fair! said Slimak. 'But who are those people, daddy? 'Those? They must be Germans from Wolka, twelve miles from here. 'Why did they ask so many questions about your land? 'They are not the only ones to do that, child.

'Well, it matters a great deal to them; if Wilhelm had a windmill he could marry Miller Knap's daughter from Wolka and get a thousand and twenty roubles with her; the Hamers may go bankrupt without that money. That's why you stick in their throats. If you sold them your land they would pay you well. 'And I won't sell!

'Drive full speed to Wolka, he said, 'and fetch miller Knap; we may be able to settle this affair to-night. 'It's high time we did, replied the other, audibly, 'we shan't hold out till the spring unless we do. Fritz swore. Nevertheless, he took leave benevolently. Bending over the sick woman he said: 'She is quite unconscious.