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Sara after gardening is delicious, but Sara clean is assuredly the cleanest thing on God's earth. I have never seen a child look so new, and so straight out of tissue-paper, as Sara can look. She stared solemnly at her Aunt Woggles, and then proceeded to walk away in the opposite direction, which was an invitation on her part to me to follow and snatch her up in my arms.

"And did he, Aunt Woggles?" asked Betty, her eyes wide with horror. "I wonder," I said. "I'll race you to the end of the passage." "I won," cried Betty. "No, we both of us did," she added, slipping her hand into mine. That evening Diana told me that a few days before, she had heard the following conversation between Hugh and Betty: "I am going to shoot my cock."

"It truthfully was, Aunt Woggles, and he wasn't going to church at all till I told him you were going. I'm awfully out of breath because he wanted to catch you up, so it wasn't me all the time." I was sorry Hugh and Mr. Dudley had caught us up. Mr. Dudley murmured something about "Young ruffian," and I felt it my duty as well as my pleasure to tell Hugh not to talk so much.

"A nice bed," said Sara, "a velly nice bed and not in a vitty bed, but in a velly big bed, a velly, velly big bed with Aunt Woggles." "In a nice big bed with Aunt Woggles," I said, "and he was a very good little bunny." At this Sara rose in the bed and looked at me very severely. "Did he say his palayers eberly day?" she asked. "No, not prayers, darling.

"Just to where the white thing was waiting for Grandpa Woggles' spirit," explained Virginia. "Oh, yas. Well, round and round that house the white shadder swep', keepin' time to the howlin' of other spirits in the pine trees " "But there aren't any pine trees at Woggles'," objected Virginia. "Well, they'd be pines if they wasn't oaks," assured Matty.

His exclamation of "Aunt Woggles" was involuntary, I felt sure, and he had every right to visit a sad, tall Mr. Thomas. But I thought Diana ought to have told me that I was likely to meet him at Well, a stranger's house; so how could she? The only thing that consoled me was that in all probability Mr. Dudley would explain my profession in life, and that I had a screw loose.

Holdin' night meetin's and wearin' butternut badges, and talkin' about resistin' draft. Hogs wintered well, and looks as if Pap'd have a nice drove to sell in the Fall. Pap'll put in 'bout 90 acres o' corn, and'll have to hustle his plowin' ez soon's the ground's fit. Little Sammy Woggles had a fight with Beecham's boy, who's six months older, and licked him.

Sara looked on, occasionally watering the castle and me too. "Not too much water, darling," I said, "because it makes Aunt Woggles so wet." Sara subsided for the moment. "Is it a velly big castle?" she asked every now and then with evident anxiety. "It's going to be, darling," I said. "It's a velly, velly small castle now," she said sadly.

"Aunt Woggles," he said, "has got pink ribbons in her nightie; it's lovely, and she doesn't do her hair in funny little things like " Here David distracted Hugh's attention by telling him an absolute untruth concerning a fox to be seen out of the window. The first of April is the only day in the whole year on which the word "fox" won't take him flying to the window.

"But Aunt Woggles has got something for you," I said in a triumphant voice. Sara showed no interest and pulled me by the hand toward the door. "Hand me that, Betty," I said, pointing to the parcel on the table. Betty handed it to me. "Here, Sara," I said, "I have got a darling white rabbit for you! Sara! A bunny!"