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A man named "Coggle," being nudged by the Colonel, and requested to take other quarters, asked dolorously if it was time to turn out, and roared "woa," as if he had some consciousness of being kicked. When I asked for a pillow, the Colonel laughed, and I had an intuition that the man "Coggle" was looking at me in the darkness with intense disgust.

There was a sweet smell of hay and new milk, and it was very quiet, the silence only disturbed when an impatient cow stamped her foot or swished her tail at the flies, and was reproved by Ben's deep-toned, "Woa then, stand still."

"Aw, let's be neighbourly, you know," said Pete. "It wouldn't be dacent to disappoint people at all. We'll hawl up for a minute just, and hoof up the time at a gallop. Woa, lass, woa, mare, woa, bogh!"

Jimmy is to come along when Marigny thinks that Cynthia will take a seat in the 59 Du Vallon for a change just to try the new French car.... By gad, I shall have a word to say there.... Steady, now, George Augustus! Woa, my boy; keep a tight hand on the reins. Why in thunder should you concern yourself with the wretched business, anyhow?" It was a marvelously still night.

"God bless her!" cried Pete, with a shout that was heard across the street. "We'll pick her up at Crellin's, it's like," said Cæsar. "What? Crellin's round the corner Crellin the draper's I Woa! Let me down! The mare's tired, father;" and Pete was over the wheel at a bound.

The grey, whose place is opposite the door and who with an impatient rattle of his halter pricks his ears and turns his head so wistfully when it is opened, and to whom the opener says, "Woa grey, then, steady! Noabody wants you to-day!" may know it quite as well as the man.

I must get you out, I see, or you will be snowed up. Woa, Missy! Good mare! Stand still." The next moment he gave a joyous exclamation. "What is it, father?" I cried. "It's not a stone wall; it's a peat-stack. That is good." "I don't see what good it is. We can't light a fire." "No, my boy; but where there's a peat-stack, there's probably a house."

Slimak stood rooted to the spot, pondering upon this queer fish, who first was impertinent to his wife, then called her 'Madam', and himself 'Citizen', and praised Jendrek for his cheek. He returned angrily to his horses. 'Woa, lads! what's the world coming to? A peasant's son won't take off his cap to a gentleman, and the gentleman praises him for it!

The wind drove clouds of snow across from the endless, steppe-like plains, dotted here and there with skeleton trees, and lashed the little crowd of human beings as with a whip. ... and loves and keeps with faithful heart His word..., they insisted through the whistling of the tempest and the frequent shouts of Antek, who was getting breathless with cold: 'Woa! woa, my lads!

When the driver wishes to stop the sledge, he calls outWo, woa,” exactly as our carters do; but the attention paid to this command depends altogether on his ability to enforce it.