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'I know Tom 'ud 'ave come, she said to herself, rather sulkily. 'Liza! Liza! she heard her mother's voice calling her. 'Arright, I'm comin', said Liza. 'I've been witin' for you this last 'alf-hour ter rub me. 'Why didn't yer call? asked Liza. 'I did call. I've been callin' this last I dunno 'ow long; it's give me quite a sore throat. 'I never 'eard yer.

'I 'ad another bloomin' row with the missus ter-night, an' then when I didn't find you 'ere, an' I kept witin' an' witin' well, I fair downright lost my 'air. An' I 'ad two or three pints of four 'alf, an' well, I dunno 'Never mind, old cock. I can stand more than thet as long as yer loves me. He kissed her and they were quite friends again.

She dressed herself in her best, and, so that the neighbours shouldn't see her, went up a passage between some model lodging-house buildings, and in this roundabout way got into the Westminster Bridge Road, and soon found herself in front of the theatre. 'I've been witin' for yer this 'alf-hour. She turned round and saw Jim standing just behind her. ''Oo are you talkin' to?

Liza looked at her a little enviously. ''Ulloa! she answered quietly. 'I'm just goin' to the "Red Lion" to meet 'Arry. 'At what time d'yer start? 'The brake leaves at 'alf-past eight sharp. 'Why, it's only eight; it's only just struck at the church. 'Arry won't be there yet, will he? 'Oh, 'e's sure ter be early. I couldn't wite. I've been witin' abaht since 'alf-past six.

I've 'ad the neuralgy all the mornin', and my 'ead's been simply splittin', so thet I thought the bones 'ud come apart and all my brains go streamin' on the floor. An' when I wake up there's no one ter git my tea for me, an' I lay there witin' an' witin', an' at last I 'ad ter git up and mike it myself. And, my 'ead simply cruel!

And Tommy, "We're the King's Own 'Ymn of 'Aters"; some such subtle repartee as that. "Wot's your mob?" "We're a battalion of Irish rifles." The Germans liked to provoke us by pretending that the Irish were disloyal to England. Sometimes they shouted: "Any of you from London?" "Not arf! Wot was you a-doin' of in London? Witin' tible at Sam Isaac's fish-shop?"

'Nice thing ter keep me witin' all night for yer to come aht. She saw that he had been drinking, and answered humbly. 'I'm very sorry, Jim, but I went in to Sally, an' 'er bloke 'ad been knockin' 'er abaht, an' so I sat with 'er a bit. 'Knockin' 'er abaht, 'ad 'e? and serve 'er damn well right too; an' there's many more as could do with a good 'idin'! Liza did not answer.

'I didn't see yer, Mr. Blakeston, she said, as he came up to her. 'Didn't yer? Well, I knew yer would; an' I was witin' for yer ter look up. I see yer before ter-day. 'Na, when? 'I passed be'ind yer as you an' thet other girl was lookin' at the advertisement of thet ply. 'I never see yer. 'Na, I know yer didn't. I 'ear yer say, you says: "I should like to see thet." 'Yus, an' I should too.

"I fink," breathed The Seraph, stroking the caterpillar the wrong way, and then looking at his fingers, "I fink that he's witin' to father to tell on you. So there!" I waited to hear no more. Casting my care behind me I sped lightly along the passage between the houses, crossed the Bishop's lawn, and sought Jane in the garden.

As more people came up, Sally began to get excited about Harry's non-appearance. 'I say, I wish 'e'd come! she said. ''E is lite. Then she looked up and down the Westminster Bridge Road to see if he was in view. 'Suppose 'e don't turn up! I will give it 'im when 'e comes for keepin' me witin' like this.