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Five minutes more an' the invites are all withdrawed. Then the eatin' an' the singin' an' the playin' will all go on without you, an' ef you are found hangin' 'roun' our door I'll hev the dogs to chase you away." No answer came from the woods, but Henry knew how the hearts of the warriors were consumed with rage.

Ann ceased to smile. "You stand up, Polly Somers you are the handsomest girl in the county," which was quite true. The girl, who was near by, sat still embarrassed. "Get up," said Penhallow sharply. "She's withdrawed these three months," cried a ready-witted young farmer. "Oh, is she? Well, then, we will go on." Tom McGregor went quietly up the two steps to the platform.

Perhaps you don't know it, but the goat is one of the noblest animals what walks. He is also one o' ther smartest, an' in former years used ter be able ter talk, but ez soon ez he got ter be so popular in secret societies ther gift o' speech was withdrawed from him, so thet he wouldn't be able ter give erway ther secret things what he saw an' heard at ther meetin's."

And now when I look at him; a precious, unconscious, helpless infant, with no use in his little arms but to tear his little cap, and no use in his little legs but to kick his little self when I see him a lying on his mother's lap, cooing and cooing, and, in his innocent state, almost a choking hisself with his little fist when I see him such a infant as he is, and think that that uncle Lillyvick, as was once a-going to be so fond of him, has withdrawed himself away, such a feeling of wengeance comes over me as no language can depicter, and I feel as if even that holy babe was a telling me to hate him.

A Briton should not take unkindly assertions of independence, even such ruffled independence as Lowell expressed in "The Biglow Papers": I guess the Lord druv down Creation's spiles 'Thout no gret helpin' from the British Isles, An' could contrive to keep things pooty stiff Ef they withdrawed from business in a miff; I han't no patience with such swelling fellers ez Think God can't forge 'thout them to blow the bellerses.

He was getting about sick of all this talk. If they would agree to do this, he would then propose another resolution which if carried would meet all the requirements of the case. The man with the metallic voice observed that it was not necessary to ask the consent of those who had moved amendments: if the original proposition was withdrawed, all the amendments fell to the ground.

"Good-by, Widder; we'll have to be a-goin'. We've had quite a spell of weather, but it looks some like rain now, and I have a important engagement to-night, and we'll have to be gittin' hum." But I gently withdrawed him, bowin' very low myself and lookin' dretful smilin' at her.

And seein' that she had so many to talk to, I withdrawed myself, but as I kinder backed myself off I backed right into Arvilly, who wuz takin' out the "Twin Crimes" out of her work-bag, and I sez, "Arvilly, you shall not canvass Miss Curzon to-night." And she sez, "I'd like to see you stop me, Josiah Allen's wife, if I set out to do anything." She looked real beligerent.

And then I made some more real low bows and Josiah did, bein' wunk at by me, and we withdrawed ourselves from the Presence. But Josiah, always overdoin' things, takin' out his bandanna and a-wavin' it towards her as he bowed most to the ground. But what wuz my surprise as we walked away kinder backward, Josiah mutterin' to me that he should fall flat if he backed off much furder!

You might just mention to Christina what I've said, and then she can do as she wants to with fear and tremblin'." But I see my folks passin' down a distant path, and I sez: "I will now bid you adoo, Ulaly, as time and Arvilly and Josiah are passin' away." She bid me a real pleasant good-by, and I withdrawed myself and jined my folks.