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She interpreted the look of stormy wistfulness he wore as an expression of his perplexity in the presence of the contradictory facts and theories. "No," she said, "I expected to do that. You know I've seen them so very lately, and with this about Louise on my mind How are they? That poor Adeline I'm afraid it's killing her. Were you able to do anything for them?"

James introduced her to his cousin and Sanborn as Miss Harriman. She was, Kirby knew at once, the original of the photograph he had seen in his uncle's rooms. Miss Harriman was a vision of sheathed loveliness. The dark, long-lashed eyes looked out at Kirby with appealing wistfulness. When she moved, the soft lines of her body took on a sinuous grace.

I saw a lean, intelligent face whose fighting jaw was softened by the wistfulness of the clean-cut lips and the honesty that lay side by side with the deviltry in the laughing blue eyes; nose of a thoroughbred with the suspicion of a tilt; long, well-knit, slender figure that I knew must have all the strength of fine steel; the uniform of a lieutenant in the Royal Flying Corps of Britain's navy.

"Though I'm not sure I'm proud of my ignorance." "It doesn't matter whether you know anything about it or not, of course," said Benson, looking up at him with a queer expression of wistfulness. "No, I'm my own buyer. And I don't buy of a great, high-grade firm like yours; I go to a different class of fellows for my stuff." Richard drove on, thinking hard about Benson.

As she rapidly poured forth question after question, I could not help noticing and wondering about the pathetic wistfulness in her eyes and the nervous eagerness of her manner.

He spent a morning in making his farewells; he tried to speak to his friends as usual, but they noticed long afterwards that he had used a special tenderness and wistfulness in all he said; he sate long in his own room, with a great love in his heart for the beautiful and holy peace of the place, and for all the happiness he had known there; and then he prayed very long and earnestly in the chapel, kneeling in his stall; and his heart was somewhat lightened.

He watched the tomato-can coffee-pot intently. Louise could not see his face. "Yes, Miss. I'm all right and so is he." And a humorous wistfulness crept into the tramp's eyes. "He's what you might call a changeling." "Changeling?" "Uhuh! Always changin' around from place to place when you're young. Ain't that it?" "Oh! And when you are older?" she queried, smiling. Overland Red frowned.

And even though he shrank from her, her advent brought back to him a yearning wistfulness; it awakened and half-appeased a sense akin to home-sickness. In that moment he would have liked to fly to her how much had she stood for in his life!

The boy, throwing off his drowsiness, lay watching the Rector's face as he talked in an undertone to the nurse, his haggard eyes full of a dumb, friendly wistfulness. When Robert bent over him to say good-by, this expression brightened into something more positive, and Robert left him, feeling at last that there was a promise of life in his look and touch.

Maryllia gave her a little side- glance and noted a certain wistfulness and wonder in the rosy, wrinkled face which was not without its own pathos. "I suppose everybody about here goes to church at least Once on Sundays," pursued Maryllia-"Don't they?" "Them as likes Mr. Walden goes," answered Mrs. Spruce promptly-"Then as don't stops away.