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Rob Moore led the charge, and two strangers were following hard behind. "It's the MacIntyre boys," exclaimed the Little Colonel, shading her eyes with her hand and then half turning in her saddle to explain to the girls. "It's Malcolm and Keith. You'll like them. They stayed out heah with their grandmothah one whole wintah, and they used to come up to ou' house lots.

"In de summah de women weah dresses and apruns made ob linen an' men weah pants and shurts ob linen. Linsey-woolsey and jean wuz woven on de place fo' wintah clothes. We had better clothes to weah on Sunday and we weahed shoes on Sunday. The' shoes and hoots wuz made on de plantashun." "My mastah wuz Marse Harley Hunt an' his wife wuz Miss Maria Sanders Hunt.

"Yes, one hundred and four acres, if there were no other expenses, but " "Whut othah expenses kin you hev wuth namin'? You've got a saddle-bag full o' clothes an' books, hain't you? 'nough to last through the wintah; so whut " "But my board! You haven't said how much that will be." "Well, now," said Rogers, with a sly wink at his wife, "how much do you reckon 'twould be right ter pay?"

Why, he kin figgah ez fast ez I kin ravel out a piece o' knittin', an' I nevah in my borned days heard nobody, 'cept mayby Preachah Stone, whut could read lak him. He kin run 'long ovah them big names in the papah an' them generalgies in the Bible lak a racin' pony. Susan, our eldest gal, is a little the rise o' fourteen, an' wuz counted the best spellah in the school last wintah.

The submarine boy felt confident that, in a stretch of trouble, he could thrash this guide of his in very short order. “Ah might jess well tell yo’ wheah we am gwine, sah,” volunteered the mulatto, presently. “Yes,” Benson retorted, drily. “I think you may.” “Marse Truax, sah, he done hab er powah ob trouble, sah, las’ wintah, wid rheumatiz, sah. He ’fraid he gwine cotch it again dis wintah, sah.

"Tek 'em, Betty," laughingly urged Mrs. Rogers; "Lucindy an' Lucy air only too glad ter git 'em off ther hands; they know they'd hev ter finish thet quilt this wintah, ef them pieces stayed heah, an' they hate sewin' wussen a mad dog hates watah." "We want you to have these, too," said Lucy, handing to Betsy a pair of plaster-of-paris angels.

Back in the cavelike hollow, under the rocks, the boys found a big, dry log, which other campers had put there for a seat. They rolled it forward toward the fire. Some flat stones were soon heated for the girls to put their feet on, and, warmed and rested, they began to investigate the contents of the baskets. "Oh, Rob!" groaned Lloyd. "What a lunch you did pick up for a wintah day!

"I could scream, I'm so nervous and ti'ahed of being by myself," she exclaimed. "If just a piece of a day is so hah'd to drag through as this has been, how can I stand all the rest of the wintah?" She was counting up the weeks ahead of her on the big library calendar, when, through the window, she caught sight of Rob coming toward the house.

In the morning when she found four tiny stockings hanging beside her own, overflowing with candy for Fritz, her happiness was complete. That night there was a tree in the drawing-room that reached to the frescoed ceiling. When May Lilly came in to admire it and get her share from its loaded branches, Lloyd came skipping up to her. "Oh, I'm goin' to live heah all wintah," she cried.

"We all woah jeans clos', jes pants an' jacket. In de summah we chilluns all went barefoot, but in de wintah we all woah shoes." "Ol' Marse John an' his family liv in a big fine brick hous'. Marse John had des chilluns, Miss Betty an' Miss Ann an' der wuz Marse Mike an' Marse John. Marse John, he wuz sorta spiled lik.