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Wha kens whals listening! Eh! gude guide us, what's yon! Hout, it's just a branch of ivy flightering awa frae the wa'; when the moon was in, it lookit unco like a dead man's arm wi' a taper in't I thought it was Misticot himsell. But never mind, work you away fling the earth weel up by out o' the gate Od, if ye're no as clean a worker at a grave as Win Winnet himsell!

"But don't they say Ralph saved Wilson's life away at the wars?" said Monsey. "Why could he want to inform against him and have him hanged?" "A dog winnet yowl an ye hit him with a bone, but a spy is worse ner ony dog," answered Matthew sententiously. "But why could he wish to do it?" "His fratch with Angus, that was all." "There must have been more than that, Matthew, there must."

"It's travell'd earth that," said Edie, "it howks gae eithly I ken it weel, for ance I wrought a simmer wi' auld Will Winnet, the bedral, and howkit mair graves than ane in my day; but I left him in winter, for it was unco cald wark; and then it cam a green Yule, and the folk died thick and fast for ye ken a green Yule makes a fat kirkyard; and I never dowed to bide a hard turn o' wark in my life sae aff I gaed, and left Will to delve his last dwellings by himsell for Edie."

"It's travell'd earth that," said Edie, "it howks gae eithly I ken it weel, for ance I wrought a simmer wi' auld Will Winnet, the bedral, and howkit mair graves than ane in my day; but I left him in winter, for it was unco cald wark; and then it cam a green Yule, and the folk died thick and fast for ye ken a green Yule makes a fat kirkyard; and I never dowed to bide a hard turn o' wark in my life sae aff I gaed, and left Will to delve his last dwellings by himsell for Edie."

Wha kens whals listening! Eh! gude guide us, what's yon! Hout, it's just a branch of ivy flightering awa frae the wa'; when the moon was in, it lookit unco like a dead man's arm wi' a taper in't I thought it was Misticot himsell. But never mind, work you away fling the earth weel up by out o' the gate Od, if ye're no as clean a worker at a grave as Win Winnet himsell!