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He was a persistent, painstaking fellow when his interest was thoroughly aroused, and while other chaps were skylarking about in the water, he had been practising long swims, the consequence of which was that at the competition when, of course, the best prize was given for the longest race; the course, in this instance, being out to the head of the wharf, and back Frank left all the other contestants behind, and came in an easy winner.

Paterson's comin' along, an' he'll win. Get up an' try an' feenish it!" Stirred by the warning, Robert tried to rise. He raised himself to his knees, but the pain in his injured foot was too great, and he fell forward on his face unconscious, and the race ended with Paterson as winner.

I then picked up the jack, as that was the winner, and bent the corner, showed it to my friend, "whispered" and told him not to say a word, as he would not detect its being bent. He said, "All right." I told the dealer to throw them over again, which he did. I then said, "I know you have two chances to our one, but I will try you for $200."

Ever Youth climbed through the ropes Youth unknown, but insatiable crying out to mankind that with strength and skill it would match issues with the winner. A few years before, in his own heyday of invincibleness, Tom King would have been amused and bored by these preliminaries. But now he sat fascinated, unable to shake the vision of Youth from his eyes.

If he ever did he would marry and settle down as a highly respectable member of society, and become an M.P. and the owner of a winner of the Derby; but until then he would sigh away his tired life at the feet of beauty, Bacchus, or chance. "What is the matter, Hal?" asked Bective Hollington, coming up behind him. "Yawning so early in the day?" "Bored," replied Dartmouth, briefly.

Benito closed the book and walked blindly out of the exchange. After a time he heard footsteps following. Harpending's voice came, "Hey, there, Windham." Benito turned. "Cleaned out?" asked the other sympathetically. "Not quite." "Then forget the stocks. They're tricky things at best.... I've a proposition that's a winner. Positively.... There's law work to be done. We need you."

At night-fall I returned to the hell played with various success; at one time was a winner of three times my capital, and I ended at last with my pockets being empty. I was indifferent when it was all gone, although in the highest state of excitement while the chances were turning up.

Fresh news always bad news now came into Cardiff nearly every day. The King hurried back from Ireland to Conway, and there gathered his loyal peers around him. There were only sixteen of them. Dorset, always on the winning side, deserted the sinking ship at once. Aumerle more prudently waited to see which side would eventually prove the winner.

But say, Mart, while I think of it, we mustn't forget to install a zone-of-force apparatus on this boat, too. Even though we can't use it intelligently, it certainly would be a winner as a defense. We couldn't hurt anybody through it, of course, but if we should happen to be getting licked anywhere, all we'd have to do would be to wrap ourselves up in it. They couldn't touch us.

I reckon it was pretty smart of me, wasn't it, to order a snowstorm an' have it come just when it was needed." Again the cheerful eyes twinkled in the flaming face. "You're certainly a winner," said Dick, "and you win for us all."