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As chosen, the Republicans had a majority in the Senate, but the transfer of Messrs. Blaine, Windom, and Kirkwood to the Cabinet gave the Democrats a temporary ascendency. The arrival of Mr. Frye, elected as the successor of Mr. Blaine, and of Mr. McDill, appointed as the successor of Mr.

There had been six generations of them, and those of the first two fought under General Washington against the red-coats and the Hessians in the War of '76. David Windom, of the fourth generation, went to England for a wife, however, a girl he had met on the locally celebrated trip to Europe in the early seventies.

David Windom, recovering from the shock of surprise, ordered Edward from the house. He would sooner see his child dead than the wife of Nick Crown's son, Nick Crown, a drunken rascal who had been known to beat his wife, Nick Crown who was not even fit to lick the feet of the horses he shod!

The strong, well-poised English wife found rich soil in which to work; he grew apace and flourished, and manifold were the innovations that stirred a complacent community into actual unrest. A majority of the farmers and virtually all of the farmers' wives were convinced that Dave Windom was losing his mind, the way he was letting that woman boss him around. The women did not like her.

When they were little they used to come to me with everything. "You see, I came here to keep house for Mr. Windom soon after old Maria Bliss died. My husband died when David was six years old. Alix was only four years old when I came here, Mr. Thane. This house was new, just finished. I'll never forget the rage Mr.

He had taken good care of her daughter, he had given her everything in his power to give, and he had worshipped her because she was like both of the Alixes he had loved. She was Alix Crown, Alix the Third, he called her. On the day of his death, Windom confessed the crime of that far off night in March.

The iron rod crashed down upon his head. His legs crumpled up; he dropped in a heap at the top of the steps and rolled heavily to the bottom, sprawling out on the snow-covered brick walk. The long night wore on. Windom had carried his daughter into the sitting-room, where he placed her on a lounge drawn up before the fire. She had fainted. After an hour he left her and went out into the night.

I remember one that dropped in the road about fifty feet ahead of my car, and before I could stop we ran plunk into the hole it made and upset. I suppose the Windom estate must be a pretty big one, isn't it, Mr. Vick?" "Taking everything into consideration, it amounts to nearly a million dollars.

They said good-night at the door of the Windom, and Bradley went on up the avenue, his brain whirling with his new ideas and emotions. Ida had rushed away again into the far distance. It was utter foolishness to think she could care for him. She was surrounded with brilliant and wealthy men, while he was a poor young lawyer in a little country town.

He brooded over it until he imagined that every one who happened to glance steadily in his direction must be saying, inwardly, "Like father, like son." He knew that Ralph Bently had gone to Mr. Windom with his information. The talebearer had given him an exaggerated account of the interview.