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They were certainly part of Lady Bridget's letter almost the whole of it, for only the end and the beginning ones were missing. In her hurried rearrangement of the wind-scattered sheets she had put these into the wrong bundle.

The weather had just become perfect; it was one of the dozen exquisite days of the English year days stamped with a refinement of purity unknown in more liberal climes. It was as if the mellow brightness, as tender as that of the primroses which starred the dark waysides like petals wind-scattered over beds of moss, had been meted out to us by the cubic foot tempered, refined, recorded!

It was as if the mellow brightness, as tender as that of the primroses which starred the dark waysides like petals wind-scattered over beds of moss, had been meted out to us by the cubic foot distilled from an alchemist's crucible.

This image of the wind-scattered petals of the wild rose reminds him bitterly of the destined end of these joyous young lives his white-fleeced little fellow-mortals. He sees the murdering butcher coming in his cart to demand the firstlings of the flock; he cannot suppress a cry of grief and indignation he can only strive to shut out the shocking image from his soul!

'Has the initial fault of nationality. However, he goes to Sagan. The mist cleared as the sun rose higher until, by noon, the sky was of a pale radiant blue laced with a delicate broidery of white wind-scattered clouds. Looking westward the dark river wound away to the sea, ringed here and there by the highly decorated bridges of light-toned granite peculiar to Maäsau.

But winter had tied up the shipping, and he failed, as he likewise failed at sundry employment agencies where he offered himself in any capacity. At noon he wandered into the park, and, finding a sheltered spot, sunned himself as best he could. He picked up the sheets of a wind-scattered paper and read until the chill December afternoon got into his bones and forced him to his feet.