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"''Doby, replies Billy, takin' him by the hand, 'this yere day 'lustrates the prophet when he says: "In the midst of life we're in luck." If you-all notes tears in my eyes I'm responsible for 'em. Willyum's mine. As I r'ars him it will be with you as a model. Now you go back where dooty calls you. When you ceases to need my wife, Marie, send her back to camp, an' notify me tharof.

Finally George says: "I'se 'spec' mah jedgment des about de same as Marse WILLyum's an' Miss LUCY's. I'se notice hit mos' ingin'lly am de same." "That can't be, George," says I, "fur they think different ways." "Den if DAT am de case," says George, "dey ain't NO ONE kin settle hit twell hit settles hitse'f. "I'se mos' ingin'lly notice a thing DO settle hitse'f arter a while.

However, Billy's a heap careful of Willyum's morals, an' is shorely linin' him up right. "Once a new barkeep in the dance-hall allows he'll promote Willyum's feelin's some with a spoonful of nose-paint.

Her letters were interesting and Disraeli's letters to her, now published, reveal the history of his daily life as he never told it to another. At her death the bulk of Mrs. Willyum's fortune went by will to Disraeli. But Mrs. Disraeli was not jealous of this affection. Why should a woman of sixty be jealous of another woman the same age?

As they trails by, Willyum sees Billy Willyum can make a small bluff at talkin' by now an', p'intin' his finger at Billy, he sags back on his mother's dress like he aims to halt her, an' says: "'Pop-pa! Pop-pa! meanin' Billy that a-way; although the same is erroneous entire, as every gent in Wolfville knows. "'Which if Willyum's forefinger he p'ints with

"'Doby's disgusted with Willyum's herdin' 'round with Billy that a- way, bein' sociable an' visitin' of him, an' he lays for Willyum an' wallops him. When Billy learns of it which he does from Willyum himse'f when that infant p'ints in for a visit the day after he's as wild as a mountain lion.

The last thing Willyum's afraid of is Billy; so he comes waltzin' over each day, clumsy as a cub cinnamon on his short laigs, an' makes himse'f plumb abundant. He plays with Billy, an' he sleeps with Billy, Willyum does; an' he eats every time the nigger, who's come over from the corral to lookout Billy's domestic game while he's down, rustles some grub.

My idee would be to raise Willyum, an' not let him drink a drop of nose-paint ever, merely to show the camp what comes of sech experiments. "But Billy's that pos'tive an' self-reliant he don't need no encouragement about how he conducts Willyum's habits; an', followin' his remarks, Willyum allers gets ignored complete on invitations to licker.

"It's about an hour later, an' Billy, who's filed away a quart of fire-water in his interior by now, is vibratin' between the Red Light an' the dance-hall, growin' drunk an' dejected even up. It's then he sees 'Doby headin' up the street. 'Doby hears of his son Willyum's wild play from his wife, an' it makes him hot that a-way. But he ain't no notion of blamin' Billy; none whatever.

"'Death loves a shinin' mark, marm, says Doc Peets, as he presses the old lady's hand an' takes off his hat, 'an' the same bein' troo, it's no marvel the destroyer experiments 'round ontil he gets your son Willyum's range.