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She amused herself at playing country gentlewoman while papa worked all week in the city. 'Pon my soul! she did. They found his boots first. And the lady said, before all the grinning Johns and Willums, that since she had bought him she supposed she would have to keep him. And, by Gads life! she has got him yet, which is a deal stranger." Even the duke laughed.

She amused herself at playing country gentlewoman while papa worked all week in the city. 'Pon my soul! she did. They found his boots first. And the lady said, before all the grinning Johns and Willums, that since she had bought him she supposed she would have to keep him. And, by Gads life! she has got him yet, which is a deal stranger." Even the duke laughed.

Mark Hanna rings f'r his sicrety an', says he: 'Have ye got off th' letther fr'm George Fred Willums advisin' Aggynaldoo to pizen th' wells? 'Yes sir. 'An' th' secret communication fr'm Bryan found on an arnychist at Pattherson askin' him to blow up th' White House? 'It's in th' hands iv th' tyepwriter. 'Thin call up an employmint agency an' have a dillygation iv Jesuites dhrop in at Lincoln, with a message fr'm th' pope proposin' to bur-rn all Protestant churches th' night befure iliction."

She amused herself at playing country gentlewoman while papa worked all week in the city. 'Pon my soul! she did. They found his boots first. And the lady said, before all the grinning Johns and Willums, that since she had bought him she supposed she would have to keep him. And, by Gads life! she has got him yet, which is a deal stranger." Even the duke laughed.