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In her own family she found great opposition to her new mode of life; but the Lord raised up a kind helpful friend to her in the person of the gentle, sorely-tried Mrs. Willoughby of Harcourt Manor. One day she spoke of Dr. Heinz. "You cannot think how much the people love him," she said, "and trust him.

He stood still for a few moments, overwhelmed by this thought, and apparently endeavoring to realize the full extent and enormous size and immense proportions, together with the infinite extent of ear, appertaining to the ass to which he had transformed himself; but finally he shook his head despondingly, as though he gave it up altogether. Then he hurried after Mrs. Willoughby. Mrs.

If he read aloud to her she either yawned despairingly, or was tickled into laughter where there was no reasonable cause. At first Willoughby had tried to educate her, and had gone hopefully to the task. It is so natural to think you may make what you will of the woman who loves you. But Esther had no wish to improve. She evinced all the self-satisfaction of an illiterate mind.

'Aunt's an awful ole maid, she remarked apologetically; 'I b'lieve she'd never let me say a word to enny one if she could help it. 'So you got home all right last night? Willoughby inquired; 'what did your aunt say to you?

It was the first of a lumbering procession that had been travelling all night from the outlying suburbs Botany, Fairfield, Willoughby, Smithfield, St Peters, Woollahra and Double Bay carrying the patient harvest of Chinese gardens laid out with the rigid lines of a chessboard.

The New York Gazette, a journal that frequently related facts that actually occurred, announced in its number of June 11th, 1795, "His Majesty's Packet that has just arrived" it required half a century to teach the journalists of this country the propriety of saying "His Britannic Majesty's Packet," instead of "His Majesty's," a bit of good taste, and of good sense, that many of them have yet to learn "has brought out," home would have been better "among her passengers, Lieutenant-General Sir Robert Willoughby, and his lady, both of whom are natives of this state.

Is he an expert? a trained relief worker? Does he know Willoughby? And Smathers? And Conant?" "Knows them by heart. Quotes pages of them at a time in his letters without ever glancing at the books." "And you?" "I may claim some familiarity with their theories." He fussed with his pencil. "I recall defining sociology for you one night at my boarding-house...." "I remember."

For some little time she sate, in breathless stillness, with her looks cast upon the floor, conscious that Robert Willoughby was glancing from her own face to the miniature, and from the miniature to her face again, making his observations and comparisons. Then she ventured to raise her eyes timidly towards his, half-imploringly, as if to beseech him to proceed to something else.

If we can but put Willoughby out of her head!" "Ay, if we can do that, Ma'am," said Elinor, "we shall do very well with or without Colonel Brandon." And then rising, she went away to join Marianne, whom she found, as she expected, in her own room, leaning, in silent misery, over the small remains of a fire, which, till Elinor's entrance, had been her only light.

Love laughs at locksmiths!" If the would-be Sir Hugh Johnstone had heard the three verdicts of the hostile critics of his being "capable of anything," he might have laughed in defiance, but after several friendly "night caps" with the slightly jovial General Abercromby, it might have seriously disturbed the host to know what hidden suspicions the Viceroy's envoy had brought back from a very secret conference with that acute old local commander, Willoughby.