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He gathered loose women into his house, and carried on orgies of debauchery in his wife’s presence. To show what a pass things had come to, I may mention that Grigory, the gloomy, stupid, obstinate, argumentative servant, who had always hated his first mistress, Adelaïda Ivanovna, took the side of his new mistress.

He would perhaps have really gone; but having determined to do so he felt at once entitled to fortify himself for the journey by another bout of reckless drinking. And just at that time his wife’s family received the news of her death in Petersburg. She had died quite suddenly in a garret, according to one story, of typhus, or as another version had it, of starvation.

Though the husband has as yet no recognised position and lives in the wife’s home, he is valued for his service to his father-in-law, clearly a step in the direction of property assertion. Among many of the Malay hill tribes of Formosa the maternal system is dying out, though the old law forbidding marriage within the clan remains in force.

He lives over his shop. The wife’s mother, I fancy, lives with them.” “Is the house watched?” “Oh dear, no. It wouldn’t do. Certain people who come there are watched. My opinion is that he knows nothing of this affair.” “How do you account for this?” The Assistant Commissioner nodded at the cloth rag lying before him on the table. “I don’t account for it at all, sir. It’s simply unaccountable.

She must have died game, however; for it is said Tom noticed many prints of cloven feet deeply stamped about the tree, and found handfuls of hair, that looked as if they had been plucked from the coarse black shock of the woodman. Tom knew his wife’s prowess by experience.

Again among the Banyai on the Zambesi, if the husband gives nothing the children of the marriage belong to the wife’s family, but if he gives so many cattle to his wife’s parents the children are his. Similar cases may be found elsewhere.

Pity you’re not married, Upton,” Barclay said, half jokingly. “You’d escape keeping dormitory if you werewhich you’ll find the meanest of all possible jobs. And then if your wife’s the right kindthe boys have to be pretty decent to you in order to keep on her good side.” Mrs. Barclay laughed. “I suppose that’s the only reason they’re pretty decent to you, William!—You’ll find it easy, Mr.

"Yes, ma’am," answered Frank with great gravity, "she is my wife’s cousin." In an instant Mrs. Carrington’s coquetry vanished, and rising upon her dignity, she soon gave the gentlemen directions where to find the May party. As they were proceeding thither, Mr. Middleton said, "Why, Cameron, I understood you to say on the boat that you were not married." "Neither am I," answered Frank.

A very blessed consideration, if it will only secure me from the pain and worry of my dear anxious wife’s efforts to convert me, and her from the toil and trouble of such exertions, and her sweet face and silver accents from the ruinous effects of the same.

If he is a kindly husband, he is there much as a friendly visitor, but his real home remains in the house in which he was born.” The husband has no permanent residence in the woman’s house, and at dusk each evening the men may be seen walking across the village to join their wives and families. The father has no rights over his children, who belong wholly to the wife’s suku, or clan.