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'It'll be a nice time o' year, said Sylvia, a little surprised at Kester's evident discouragement at the prospect of the journey or absence; he had often been away from Monkshaven for a longer time without seeming to care so much about it. 'Well, yo' see it's a bit hard upon me for t' leave my sister she as is t' widow-woman, wheere a put up when a'm at home.

Now, in one of the small alleys that have their vent in the great stream of Fleet Street there dwelt an old widow-woman who eked out her existence by charing, an industrious, drudging creature, whose sole occupation, since her husband, the journeyman bricklayer, fell from a scaffold, and, breaking his neck, left her happily childless as well as penniless, had been scrubbing stone floors and cleaning out dingy houses when about to be let, charing, in a word.

Jope's countenance. "No, most certainly not. . . . But, my good man, an embalmer! and at Botusfleming, of all places!" The sailor's face fell. He sighed patiently. "That's what they said at Saltash, more or less. I got a sister living there Sarah Treleaven her name is a widow-woman, and sells fish.

Nobody expected her to do it quite so soon; but it is said hereabout that my lord bishop and my lady had been drawing nigh to an understanding before the glum tidings of Sir Blount's taking of his own life reached her; and the account of this wicked deed was so sore afflicting to her mind, and made her poor heart so timid and low, that in charity to my lady her few friends agreed on urging her to let the bishop go on paying his court as before, notwithstanding she had not been a widow-woman near so long as was thought.

What next? . . . You never told me, neither or not to my recollection as you went in for speech-makin'." "But I don't. I er the fact is, I had thoughts of takin' a lesson or two. Private lessons, you understand." "You don't need to, so far as I can see. What was it I heard you tellin' that widow-woman?

Fidlar might truly be termed the father of the village. A witty friend suggested, that instead of Rawdon, it ought more properly to be called "Fidlar's Green." There is a clean country inn just at the foot of the long hill leading to the Oakhill pond, kept by a respectable widow-woman of the name of Fairman.

But it did not suit invalids as well, and Bell Robson, though not getting worse, did not make any progress towards amendment. Sylvia was kept very busy, notwithstanding that she had the assistance of a poor widow-woman in the neighbourhood on cleaning, or washing, or churning days.

On the other side of the street, there lived in the Orchard House another widow-woman with three daughters. She let lodgings, and was bringing up her children to honest industry in that state of life. She and Mrs. Caldwell took a kindly interest in each other's affairs. Mrs.

It was a youth who gave this information, and Stockdale asked him who Mrs. Newberry might be. The boy said that she was a widow-woman, who had got no husband, because he was dead. Mr. Newberry, he added, had been a well-to-do man enough, as the saying was, and a farmer; but he had gone off in a decline. As regarded Mrs.

But be considerate, I beg 'ee, mee deer. Well I wasn't a bachelor when I married 'ee, any more than you were a spinster. Just as you was a widow-woman, I was a widow-man. 'Ah! said she, with some surprise. 'But is that all? then we are nicely balanced, she added, relieved. 'No it is not all. There's the point. I am not only a widower. 'O, David!