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"Arthur, come and walk wound with me!" she commanded with an unaccustomed note of timidity mingling with the imperious young voice. "I want to talk to you. Those widiculous men have been boring me to distwaction, and I want to hear about Yew Hedge. Take me into the wose garden, and tell me all about Yew Hedge." "Peggy can do that better than I, Rosalind. I have been down only for a few hours.

"Have I said anything impwobable, aw widiculous? for, weally, I never befaw wecollect to have heard in society such a twemendous peal of cachinnation that which the twagic bard who fought at Mawathon has called an anewithmon gelasma." "Why, be the holy piper," says Larder, "I think you are dthrawing a little on your imagination. Not read Fraser!

James Payn in the Illustrated News. It's vewy wong, widiculous, and howwid, I've no doubt, To leave that little letter r unuttahed or unwolled; But if you haven't any r's you've got to do without, And I can no maw woll my r's than dwink my clawet cold.

"That is to say, if I can contwive to do it without laughing outwight. It is too widiculous to think of Esther being mawwied! She is a born old maid, and I hear he is quite old, nearly forty, with grey hair and spectacles and a stoop to his back. He teaches, doesn't he, or lectures or something, and I suppose he is as poor as a church mouse. What in the world induced the silly girl to accept him?"

I can't think where she found it. Yellow cloth with dog-roses worked in filoselle! Imagine me in a yellow apron with spotty roses around the brim!" "He! he! I can't! I weally can't. It's too widiculous!" protested Rosalind. "She sent me a twine bag made of netted cotton. It's awfully useful if you use twine, but I never do. Don't say I said so.