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I wear a gold watch and chain, a ring upon my little finger, and a long-tailed coat; and twice have I been desperately in love with a fair damsel, and have twice recovered. And the little girl I saw on that first day at Mr. Wickfield's, where is she? Gone also.

"That's a fine fellow!" said Mr. Wickfield. "As long as you are glad to be here, you shall stay here." And so I lived at Mr. Wickfield's through the remainder of my schooldays, and to Agnes, as the months went by, I turned more and more often for advice and counsel. We saw a good deal of Dr.

How much have I to be thankful for, in Mr. Wickfield's kind intention to give me my articles, which would otherwise not lay within the umble means of mother and self! 'Then, when your articled time is over, you'll be a regular lawyer, I suppose? said I. 'With the blessing of Providence, Master Copperfield, returned Uriah. 'Perhaps you'll be a partner in Mr.

Wickfield's at home, ma'am, said Uriah Heep, 'if you'll please to walk in there' pointing with his long hand to the room he meant.

That little fellow seems to be no part of me; I remember him as something left behind upon the road of life, and almost think of him as of someone else. And the little girl I saw on that first day at Mr. Wickfield's, where is she? Gone also.

It's a satisfaction to know that she'll wait for me any length of time, and that she really is the dearest girl 'When are you to meet her at the coach? I ask. 'At seven, says Traddles, looking at his plain old silver watch the very watch he once took a wheel out of, at school, to make a water-mill. 'That is about Miss Wickfield's time, is it not? 'A little earlier.

Wickfield's office, where I sat down again, in the chair I had first occupied, to await their return. It so happened that this chair was opposite a narrow passage, which ended in the little circular room where I had seen Uriah Heep's pale face looking out of the window.

When I looked into the street I noticed how dejectedly she got into the chaise, and that she drove away without looking up. IV. Uriah Heep and Mr. Micawber I first saw Uriah Heep on the day my aunt introduced me to Mr. Wickfield's house.

I know you always used to be against me at Mr. Wickfield's. 'You may think what you like, said I, still in a towering rage. 'If it is not true, so much the worthier you. 'And yet I always liked you, Copperfield! he rejoined. I deigned to make him no reply; and, taking up my hat, was going out to bed, when he came between me and the door.

Agnes had come to London to see my aunt, between whom and herself there had been a mutual liking these many years: indeed, it dated from the time of my taking up my residence in Mr. Wickfield's house. She was not alone, she said. Her papa was with her and Uriah Heep. 'And now they are partners, said I. 'Confound him! 'Yes, said Agnes.