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You called. I came. What's up?" "It's going to sound a little mad at first, Greggy," chuckled Whittemore, lighting his pipe. "It's going to give your esthetic tastes a jar. Look here!" He seized Gregson by the arm and led him to the door. The cold northern sky was brilliant with stars.

Strange that over such an office so fierce a feud should have arisen; but when Mr. Tiverton, Squire Lamb and Lawyer Whittemore, in the full conviction that they were doing right, refused a certificate of scholarship to Laura Tisdale, niece of Mrs.

I had therefore the opportunity to hear the great preachers of the denomination Russell Streeter, Sebastian Streeter, brothers; Thomas Whittemore, the editor of the Trumpet, the organ of the sect, Hosea Ballou, Walter Balfour, and others whose names I do not recall. Balfour was a Scotchman, preaching with an accent, and rolling his scalp, from his eyes to the nape of his neck.

"And your nerve," chuckled Whittemore, crushing the other's hand. "That was when I made up my mind you were the nerviest man alive, Greggy. Did you ever learn what became of Donna Isobel?" "She appeared twice in Burke's, once as the 'Goddess of the Southern Republics' and again as 'The Girl of Valencia. She married that reprobate of a Carabobo planter, and I believe they're happy."

Roberts, l. e. r. e., Chester Lacey, l. t. r. t., Mears Fowler, l. g. r. g., Colwell Innes, c. c., Kenney Hall, r. g. l. g., Johnson Williams, r. t. l. t., Bentley Miller, r. e. l. e., Mumford Milton, q. b. q. b., Ainsmith Harris, l. h. b. r. h. b., Burrage Kendall, r. h. b. l. h. b., Whittemore Norton, f. b. f. b., Atkinson "Are you ready, Brimfield? Ready, Claflin?"

Three tries by the Maroon netted but six and again Williams went back. This time the kick was short and Claflin secured the ball on her five-yard line and ran it in to the thirteen. Claflin made four around Steve's end and three through Williams. Then Whittemore punted to midfield. Brimfield returned to her line-smashing and secured first down on the Blue's thirty-six yards.

Harris failed to gain through Claflin's left tackle and Brimfield was penalised fifteen yards for holding. On a criss-cross against left tackle Harris was tackled for a loss and Norton then punted to Whittemore and the latter ran the ball back fifteen yards before he was stopped. On a try through Hall the Blue's full-back failed to gain.

With them came haunting memories of a Philip Whittemore who had once lived, and who had died; and with these ghosts of the past there surged upon him the loneliness which seemed to crush and stifle him. Like one in a dream he was swept back.

What would Gregson say if he knew that he Phil Whittemore, the man whom he had once idealized as "The Fighter," and whom he believed to be proof against all love of woman was doing this thing? He opened and closed the door softly. At least he would send his message to these strange people of the wilderness.

Claflin put the ball in play on her twenty-five yards and Whittemore punted to Milton on Brimfield's forty-five. Milton plunged back some twelve yards before he was brought down. Norton punted on second down to the Blue's ten yards and the ball was run back ten by the Claflin quarter.