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He took up one of these, and went to the bedside, to stand gazing down at Andrew's drawn face and bandaged arm, his brown hair lying loose upon the pillow, and making his face look the whiter by contrast. "In much pain, Drew?" he said softly; but there was no reply. "Can I do anything for you?"

Stay struggled with the strength of lunacy, but Ling Chu held him in a grip of steel. Tarling dropped the telephone receiver on its hook and had sunk into a chair with a groan. His face was white whiter than the prisoner's who sat opposite him, and he seemed to have gone old all of a sudden. "What is it?" asked Whiteside quietly. "Who was the man?" "Stay," said Tarling. "Stay. He has Odette!

A woman every inch of her, God bless her. Wherever there's a poor girl lying in her shame she'll be there, I'll go bail on that. And yourself I'll be seeing yourself, sir, whiter, maybe, and the sun going down on you, but strong for all.

The ancient cosmographers describe all these islands by one general name, the Javos; but more recent knowledge has found that they have all separate names. Beyond these, and more to the north, there are other islands, which are inhabited by a whiter people, clothed in shirts, doublets, and trowsers, something like the Portuguese dress, and who also have silver money.

Then the room was as sweet and clean as it could be; the sheets and pillow-cases as white as snow, and the furniture shining with polish. Now all was dusty and dingy, the air foul, and the bed-linen scarcely whiter than tow. No curtain made softer the light as it came through the window; nor would the shutters entirely keep out the glare, for several of the slats were broken.

But don't call me 'mister, or you will make me forget that I am a nigger," said the skipper, laughing in his delight to find that he was in good and safe hands. "Captain Flanger called me Mike always, and that is a good enough name for me." "Very well, Mike; you are a free man on board of this ship." "I ought to be, for I am a whiter man than Captain Flanger."

I had the name but yesterday from Forjas." In the scared hush that followed the Count perceived that he had stumbled headlong into a mystery. He saw Lady O'Moy's face turn whiter and whiter, saw her sapphire eyes dilating as they regarded him. "Richard Butler!" she echoed. "What of Richard Butler? Tell me. Tell me at once."

To be branded a thief was more than he could bear. His face went whiter. "See here," said the old man, "I almost shocked you to death, but I had a purpose in it. I couldn't believe that of you and knew I'd be able to read your face. You know, I believe you! It's all some infernal mistake or plot. You're not a clever enough actor to feign such distress and innocence.

Your heart isn't black, as I told you before. It's whiter than mine. Oh, that other men were like you!" "Bress you, Miss Edie, I isn't a man, I'se only a nigger." "You are my true and trusted friend," said Edith, "and you shall be one of the family as long as you wish to stay with us." "Now bress you, Miss Edie, you'se an angel for sayin' dat.

His arm, supporting with difficulty the weight of the robe, was raised, the hand blessed. On either side of him rose great fans of white ostrich feathers, and the old man among them was whiter than they, spectrally white from head to foot, save for the triple cap, and the devices on his robe.