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With dimples on his chin and cheeks, a childish smile on his lips, frank, beautiful, pale violet-blue eyes, he had a most winsome countenance. But behind the angelic front was hidden a very demon. Jackson was a monstrosity if you will, a whited sepulchre, and one of the unaccountable freaks of nature.

Effingham triumphantly affirmed that the appearance of things more than equalled his expectations, while both Eve and the baronet declared that a succession of lovelier landscapes could hardly be presented to the eye. "Whited sepulchres!" muttered John Effingham "all outside. Wait until you get a view of the deformity within."

It is rather matter for wonder, remembering what rascals and humbugs many of their "betters" have been, that middle-class England is not more of a whited sepulchre than it is.

A Legitimist member was overheard saying in a low voice, while speaking of one of the Vice-Presidents, "This great Vitet looks like a whited sepulchre." Vitet was an Orleanist.

"He was ist all whited out, and he laid as still as anything. They put him away deep in the ground." "Billy!" breathed Margaret in a prolonged groan. "Jimmy and Belle are going to be together in a nice place. They are coming to see me, and Snap is right down here by the wheel. Here, Snap! My, but he'll be tickled to get something to eat! He's 'most twisted as me.

She was dressed in rather a frippery of mousseline de soie, all cream-laced, with wide-hanging short sleeves, a large diamond at the low open neck, the ivory-brown skin there contrasting with the powdered bluish-white of her face, where, however, the freckles were not quite whited out; on her feet little pink satin slippers, without any stockings a divinely pale pink; and well back on her hair a plain thin circlet of gold; and she smelled like heaven, God knows.

He the representative of the meek Christ who rode upon an ass, and said, 'Sell that thou hast and give to the poor, and come follow me'! Nay," and the passion of righteousness tore his frame and thralled his listeners, "though he inhabit the Vatican, though a hundred gorgeous bishops abase themselves to kiss his toe, yet I proclaim here that he is a lie, a snare, a whited sepulchre, no protector of the poor, no loving father to the fatherless, no spiritual Emperor, no Vicar of Christ, but Anti-Christ himself."

Reckon I'll give evidence enough to fix you and my lordship out!" snapped Katie. "Now, then, tell us what you know of this case," said the clerk. "What I know ob dis case? Why, in de fus' place, I know how my lordship dere and a perty lordship he is and de oder shamwally, which I don't see here present, and dat whited saltpeter, ought ebery single one ob dem to be hung up as high as Harem.

Then the high-priest Ananias commanded those who stood by him to smite him on the mouth. Then said Paul unto him, God is ready to smite thee, thou whited wall: for art thou sitting to judge me according to the law, and violating that law, commandest me to be smitten? Then they who stood by, said, Revilest thou God's high-priest?

Youth without faith, age without belief, purity without grace, virtue without holiness, are only more hideous by their seeming beauty whited sepulchres, glittering rottenness. I know this I know it; but the human man is strong within me.