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The lofty domes of the City Hall and a newspaper building, a few church spires and the great white-stone hotel on a crest not far from Isabel's, were the sole pretenders to architectural beauty within her ken. Far away she could make out the Mission Church, once called after St. Francis of Assisi, now named Dolores for the vanished lake.

The house on South Sixth Street was one of assignation purely; but in its way it was superior to the average establishment of its kind of red brick, white-stone trimmings, four stories high, and all the rooms, some eighteen in number, furnished in a showy but cleanly way.

After dinner we walked amid the red poppies in the great lawn that was the crowning feature of that white-stone home. On the walls of the ancient house grew the most wonderful roses that I have ever seen anywhere, not excepting California.

At last we got news that the wounded were really coming. We hurried into our disinfecting garments looking like pantaloons, and scissors were served out to all the assistants. It was dark before the first motor load came. The undressing-room was a large white-stone floored room with four long plank beds covered with mackintosh; behind was the bathroom.

They rented a small apartment on Fifty-seventh Street at one hundred and fifty a month. It included bedroom, living-room, kitchenette, and bath, in a thin, white-stone apartment house, and though the rooms were too small to display Anthony's best furniture, they were clean, new, and, in a blonde and sanitary way, not unattractive.

Around a burgou pot, or along the trenches of an impromptu barbecue, he shone in meridian splendor; and the approving smack of his lips, over a bottle of "backwoods' nectar," was the seal of the judgment which gave character to the liquor. "Militia musters" were days in his calendar, "marked with a white-stone;" for it was upon these occasions that he appeared in his utmost magnificence.

A quarter of a century after the Easter Eve above mentioned or, to be quite accurate, on the 26th of May, 1896 I again find myself in the Kremlin on the occasion of a great religious ceremony a ceremony which shows that "the White-stone City" on the Moskva is still in some respects the capital of Holy Russia.

Thinking these things I climbed out, and we walked to Pera, where I slept in a great white-stone house in five or six acres of garden overlooking the cemetery of Kassim, having pointed out to the girl another house in which to sleep. This girl! what a history!

So, little by little, he grew into her barest toleration but apparently nothing more, and was puzzled at her aloofness and reserve, not understanding at all her bitter feeling against the mines and everything connected with them. The first time he went to church with her and Bernel was a great white-stone day to him.

With grounds tastefully laid out, driveways with their white-stone paved gutters, cut-stone steps to the terraces, great trees, and handsome shrubs the place was a delight to the eye, and at the time, of which I write there was nothing to compare with it in that section.