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The fences were thin, wavering lines the road a white-gray ribbon, ironed by the terrific speed to smooth unwrinkledness. He could not take his eyes from the business of steering to glance behind; but presently there broke faintly through the whir of the wind beating against his ears the faint report of a gun. He was being fired upon again. He pressed down still further upon the accelerator.

Then the freed son of the serf raised both hands and threw his missile on the stones between them at the feet of the man who had cut the chain of his slavery. It was the serf who shrieked. The Emperor uttered no plaint. A puff of white-gray smoke rose to heaven. And those who watched there no doubt took note of it. A shower of snow and human debris was thrown into the air.

It was a still, dead white-gray world in which nothing moved save the wind which curled the drifts. His guards covered their eyes with the murky lenses they had worn pushed up on their foreheads within the shelter, for above them sunlight dazzled on the ice crest. Ross, his eyes smarting, kept his gaze centered on his feet. He was given no time to look about.

There was a sort of pall of white-gray mists everywhere over the moor, sometimes so dense that I couldn't see my way, and you could stop and listen and there wasn't a thing to be heard, not even a sheep bell." She laughed softly.. "My dear, foolish father," she murmured, "you don't understand what a rest cure is. This is quite all right, quite as it should be.

Never had he seen so white a skin or one so smooth. She happened to be wearing a blouse with a Dutch neck that day. What a superb throat! What a line of beauty its gently swelling curve made. Then his glance fell upon her lips, rosy-red, slightly pouted. And what masses of dead gold hair no, not gold, but of the white-gray of wood ashes, and tinted with gold!

And the beach outside the sandy bars, sometimes many miles at a stretch, with their old history of wrecks and storms the weird, white-gray beach not without its tales of pathos tales, too, of grandest heroes and heroisms. In such scenes and elements and influences in the midst of Nature and along the shores of the sea Elias Hicks was fashion'd through boyhood and early manhood, to maturity.

Her white, rayless face was a mockery to the night. The same was true of the stars. The dazzling canopy was faded out, and Cygnus and the Great Bear were subdued to pallid points, like patches of white-gray paper stuck upon a wall.

Course he tak up claim on nort fork of Grass River. But dat's yust for speculation some yet. Gaines an' Stewart go to Grass River settlement an' homestead. Oh, I scatter 'em like chaffs. Ho! Ho!" And again the laughter would bring tears to his watery little white-gray eyes.