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If I could but give away as freely as the earth does! The white-backed eave-swallow has returned many, many times from the shallow drinking-place by the brook to his half-built nest. Sometimes the pair of them cling to the mortar they have fixed under the eave, and twitter to each other about the progress of the work.

There was brother Bartholomew with a crucifix of rare carved ivory, and brother Luke with a white-backed psalter adorned with golden bees, and brother Francis with the "Slaying of the Innocents" most daintily set forth upon vellum.

Scops spilocephalus. The spotted Himalayan scops owl. Gyps himalayensis. The Himalayan griffon. Pseudogyps bengalensis. The white-backed vulture. Aquila helica. The imperial eagle. Hieraëtus fasciatus. Bonelli's eagle. Ictinaëtus malayensis. The black eagle. This is easily recognised by its dark, almost black, plumage. Spilornis cheela. The crested serpent eagle. Milvus govinda.

"That is very kind of you. Ah, it is like mine!" The visitor was watching Blake eagerly as he brought forth one of the flat, three-cell nickel-plated holders of tiny batteries, with the white-backed and tungsten-filamented incandescent light set in a depressed socket. "Yes, this is the best type," Blake said. "You may have this."

The white-backed vulture is a dark brown, almost black, bird, with a white back and a broad white band on the under surface of each wing, which is very noticeable when the bird is soaring high in the air on the watch for carrion. The two commonest vultures of the Nilgiris are the scavenger and the white-backed species. The raptores are not very strongly represented on the Nilgiris.

Of the common birds of the plains of Madras, the only ones that are really abundant on the Nilgiris are the black crow, the sparrow, the white-eye, the Madras bulbul, the myna, the purple sunbird, the tailor-bird, the ashy wren-warbler, the rufous-backed shrike, the white-browed fantail flycatcher, the Indian pipit, the Indian skylark, the common kingfisher, the pied crested cuckoo, the scavenger vulture, the Pondicherry vulture, the white-backed vulture, the shikra, the spotted dove, and the little brown dove.

It is said to do this only before heavy falls of rain. It may be a cuckoo, for it is said to throw out the eggs of the white-backed Senegal crow, and lay its own instead. This, combined with the cry for rain, causes the bird to be regarded with favor.

There was a mist, half-fog, half-spray, scudding before the wind, and through it I could see the white-backed rollers lifting over Peveril Point; while all along the cliff-face the sea-birds thronged the ledges, and sat huddled in snowy lines, knowing the mischief that was brewing in the elements.

It was a white-backed card of superfine texture, gilt-edged, and bore a familiar figure. "The Knave of Clubs," said Stafford King lifting his eyes. "The Jack of Clubs," said the colonel gravely; "that is its name I understand, for I am not a gambling man." He did not bat a lid nor did Stafford King smile. "I remember," said the detective chief, "you received one before.

Then there is the Four-tufted antelope of Senegal; the Red-crowned bush-boc, also of Western Africa; and, belonging to the same region, the White-backed bush-boc. In the Island of Fernando Po there is found the Black-striped bush-boc; and in Abyssinia, the Madoqua, or Abyssinian bush-goat, of a yellow colour.