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It was as follows: "Whene'er a mule shall mount upon the Median throne, Then, and not till then, shall great Croesus fear to lose his own." This answer pleased the king quite as much as the former one had done. The allusion to the contingency of a mule's reigning in Media he very naturally regarded as only a rhetorical and mystical mode of expressing an utter impossibility.

To hold a pack upon a pack-saddle against a gale out of the freezing north is no high industry, but it is one that serves to occupy and compose the mind. And when the present is so exacting who can annoy himself about the future? Whene'er I buckle on my pack And foot it gaily in the track, O pleasant gauger, long since dead, I hear you fluting on ahead.

Whene'er this stone, now hid beneath the lake, The horse shall trample, or the plough shall break, Then, O my country! shalt thou groan distrest, Grief swell thine eyes, and terrour chill thy breast. Thy streets with violence of woe shall sound, Loud as the billows bursting on the ground. Then through thy fields shall scarlet reptiles stray, And rapine and pollution mark their way.

I'd be by hame in Scotland, belike I'd be workin' in the pit still. But whene'er I sing a character song I study that character. I know all aboot him. I ken hoo he feels and thinks, as weel as hoo he looks. Every character artist must do that, whether he is dealing with Scottish types or costers or whatever.

You need not ask me to repeat again, A Knowledge which, you say, appears so plain: The Prince his word methinks should credit get, Which I'll confirm whene'er you call for it: My heart before you ask't it, was his prize, And cannot twice become a Sacrifice. Alcip. Erminia, is this brave or just in you, To pay his score of Love with what's my due? What's your design to treat me in this sort?

There is a reference to this work in Burton's Vikram and the Vampire, where we read: "As regards the neutral state, that poet was not happy in his ideas who sang, 'Whene'er indifference appears, or scorn, Then, man, despair! then, hapless lover, mourn! for a man versed in the Lila Shastra can soon turn a woman's indifference into hate, which I have shown is as easily permuted to love."

But she has ta'en the broken lance, And wash'd it from the clotted gore, And salved the splinter o'er and o'er. William of Deloraine, in trance, Whene'er she turn'd it round and round, Twisted, as if she gall'd his wound, Then to her maidens she did say, That he should be whole man and sound,

The literature, too, of the past is rich in allusions to this piece of superstition, and Swift in his "Virtues of Sid Hamet the Magician's Rod" thus refers to it: "They tell us something strange and odd About a certain magic rod That, bending down its top, divines Whene'er the soil has golden mines; Where there are none, it stands erect, Scorning to show the least respect.

V. So then I'll hold my lowly stand, And live in German Vaterland; I'll kiss my maiden fair and fine, And drink the best of Rhenish wine. VI. Whene'er my maiden kisses me, I'll think that I the Sultan be; And when my cheery glass I tope, I'll fancy then I am the Pope. It was with a feeling of pleasure I cannot explain, that I awoke in the morning, and found myself upon the road.

They had better done like the next verse, where it says: "'They like to lie beneath the trees, All shaded by the boughs, Whene'er the noontide heat came on: Sure, they were happy cows! "Now, O Lord, this plainly teaches that if cows are happy, men should be much more so, for like the cows, they have all Thou canst do for them, and all they can do for themselves, besides.