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"Now, Rufe, bubby," a most insinuating tone, Crann had summoned, "all them fool fellers air diggin' up the face of the yearth, wharever they kin find a Chilhowee lily like sarchin' fur a needle in a haystack. But we uns will do a better thing than that. I drawed the idee ez soon ez I seen you an' Pete hyar this evenin' so onexpected. 'Them's my pardners, I sez ter myself.

An' in verra trowth, she was to mysel' like ane o' thae ill faured birds, I dinna min' upo' the name them, 'at hings ower an airmy; for wharever there was onybody nae weel, or onybody deid, there was Bawby Cat'nach. I hae hard o' creepin' things 'at veesits fowk 'at 's no weel an' Bawby was, an' is, ane sic like!

That's wot they call a TEMPERANCE HOUSE wot means a place where the licker ye get underhand is only a trifle worse than the hash ye get above-board. I suppose it's part o' one o' the mysteries o' Providence that wharever you find a dusty hole like this that's naturally THIRSTY ye run agin a 'temperance' house. But never YOU mind!

At length his jaw fell, and with a sigh, the body parted from Dooble Sanny, and he went to God. His wife closed mouth and eyes without a word, laid the two arms, equally powerless now, straight by his sides, then seating herself on the edge of the bed, said, 'Dinna bide, Robert. It's a' ower noo. He's gang hame. Gin I war only wi' 'im wharever he is!

All right, boys count on me t' back ye up. I'll go wharever ye say, Frank." "We'll follow the trail, if there is one," said Frank, instantly; "but the chances are that's where we'll bring up," and he pointed with his quirt in the direction of the rocky uplift that stood like a landmark in the midst of the great level sea of purple sage brush, marking the plain.

The old man and Loretta, young Dave's sister, laughed, and quiet smiles passed between the others. "Well, you'd better be keerful 'bout gittin' even as far as you did git wharever that was from now on." "I ain't afeered," the boy said sullenly, and he turned into the kitchen. Still sullen, he ate his supper in silence and his mother asked him no questions.

Watts, the Bishop's wife, had become used, as she expressed it, to his "fetchin' any old thing, frum an old hoss to an old man home, wharever he finds 'em," she did not express any surprise at having a new addition to the family. The outlaw looked nervous and sorrow-stricken.

The excitement was too great for anything like deliberation, or concerted council. "It may be the skunks are waitin' fur Lone Wolf," he muttered, as he stood with his arms bound to his side. "They wouldn't dare to do much without axing him, though I 'spose they might a skulp any man wharever they got the chance, without stopping to ax questions. Helloa! thar he comes!"

"Marthy, I hate to go 'way, leavin' ye hyeh with nobody to take keer o' ye. You're all alone hyeh in the mount'ins; I'm all alone; 'n' I reckon I'll be all alone wharever I go, ef you stay hyeh. I got a boat down thar on the river, 'n' I'm goin' out West whar Uncle Rufe use to live.

The country may go to the devil, but I won't! And next Summer when I start out on my campane with my Show, wharever I pitch my little tent, you shall see floatin prowdly from the center pole thereof the Amerikan Flag, with nary a star wiped out, nary a stripe less, but the same old flag that has allers flotid thar! & the price of admishun will be the same it allers was 15 cents, children half price.