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Then the Texan was smiling at him. "Seems as how we’s always meetin’ up, don’t it now? Likewise it’s always to m’ benefit, too. Only this time I’ve got me somethin’ to trade. You keep on goin’ down this trail, compadre, an’ maybe you’ll wind up with a spade pattin’ you down nice an’ smooth." "What happened?" Anse drank again with the discipline of a plains rider, a mouthful at a time.

We’ll have for to get another house on account of business. “I don’t get so much doctorin’ to do as I used to, ’cause we’s too public. I have doctored lots of folks, principally young fellers and young gals, and I can do it right.

At last rousing himself he turned to his other guests, and said, "You mustn’t think hard on me, if I ain’t as peart and talkin’ like for a spell; Bill’s comin’ home has kinder oversot the old man, and I’m thinkin’ of the past when we’s little boys and lived at home on pap’s old plantation afore any of us was dead."

We seen the time when we hadn’t fifteen minutes a day, on account of young gals a comin’ for to have their fortune told; we used to be busy from mornin’ till ten and ’levin o’clock at night a-tellin’ fortunes an’ a doctorin’but now, we don’t do so much ’cause the young gals don’t like to come to a boardin’-house where young men can see ’em, ’specially in the evenin’. We’s too public here; the young men a-boardin’ here likes for to have the young gals come, they likes for to see ’em in the parlor, but the young gals won’t come so much, ’cause we’s too public.