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"Never; though I won't say he mightn't have been if things had panned out differently, and he had gone back to Westralia with some capital. Meanwhile he had the run of my office, and that was all." "And not even the benefit of your advice?" "He wouldn't take it, once he was bitten with the game."

Lately this had been proved to be the case, and I look forward to a great development of the tin mining industry in the south-western portion of Westralia. A detailed discussion of methods of prospecting will be found in chapter ii. Of Le Neve Foster's "Ore and Stone Mining," and Mr. S. Herbert Cox's "Handbook for Prospectors."

Christmas at sea three Christmases, in fact one going saloon from Sydney to Westralia early in the Golden Nineties with funds; and one, the Christmas after next, coming back steerage with nothing but the clothes we'd slept in. All of which was bad judgment on our part the order and manner of our going and coming should have been reversed.

It was in Westralia the Land of T'othersiders and, therefore, we were not surprised when Mitchell turned up early one morning, with his swag and an atmosphere of salt water about him. He'd had a rough trip, he said, and would take a spell that day and take the lay of the land and have something cooked for us by the time we came home; and go to graft himself next morning.