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On this service, Martin and John Westlock determined to proceed that night; waiting on Mrs Gamp first, at her lodgings; and taking their chance of finding her in the repose of private life, or of having to seek her out, elsewhere, in the exercise of her professional duties.

And thus they parted for the night; John Westlock full of light-heartedness and good humour, and poor Tom Pinch quite satisfied; though still, as he turned over on his side in bed, he muttered to himself, 'I really do wish, for all that, though, that he wasn't acquainted with Mr Tigg.

As he did not move or speak, and John Westlock made a pause, Martin, not knowing what to say, said that he was glad to hear it.

They drank his health in his absence, of course; and John Westlock took that opportunity of saying, that he had never had even a peevish word with Tom during the whole term of their residence in Mr Pecksniff's house. This naturally led him to dwell upon Tom's character, and to hint that Mr Pecksniff understood it pretty well.

They were no sooner left alone together than Martin said, with an effort he could not disguise: 'Mr Westlock, we have met only once before, but you have known Tom a long while, and that seems to render you familiar to me. I cannot talk freely with you on any subject unless I relieve my mind of what oppresses it just now.

While he was speaking to me he still read the newspaper. He said "Drugs," and never used any other word. Neither did I. 'This all agrees with what I have heard before, observed John Westlock. 'I asked him what he wanted the drugs for? He said for no harm; to physic cats; what did it matter to me?

Pecksniff would have built me up for life, but your sweet temper pulled me down. Good-bye, Mr Pinch! While these confidences were interchanged between Tom Pinch and Mark, Martin and John Westlock were very differently engaged.

I have taken my own way with him so far, and shall continue to do so, even more than ever; for the fact is, to tell you the truth, that I believe he looks to me to supply his defects, and couldn't afford to lose me. I had a notion of that in first going there. Your health! 'Thank you, returned young Westlock. 'Yours. And may the new pupil turn out as well as you can desire! 'What new pupil?

'In search, replied John Westlock, shrugging his shoulders, 'of the livelihood I couldn't have earned at home. There would have been something spirited in that. But, come! Fill your glass, and let us forget him. 'As soon as you please, said Martin. 'In reference to myself and my connection with him, I have only to repeat what I said before.

So you've heard again this morning from what's his name, eh? 'Who may that be? asked Tom, seeming to enter a mild protest on behalf of the dignity of an absent person. 'YOU know. What is it? Northkey. 'Westlock, rejoined Tom, in rather a louder tone than usual. 'Ah! to be sure, said Martin, 'Westlock. I knew it was something connected with a point of the compass and a door.