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He reflects the utmost credit on his grooms; for not only are his shapely limbs "beautifully and wonderfully made," but the greatest care is taken of him. The Westbury horse is not in reality nearly so large as this one at Uffington, but he is a very beautiful feature of the country.

A light south wind woke the voices of every bough above, and the melancholy susurrus rose and fell in delicate cadences; while beyond the green meadow, Westbury River, a good-sized brook, babbled and danced as if there were no pine-tree laments in the world.

Our goods arrived at the Brook Ridge station, and Westbury and his teams transported them not to the house, but to the barn, for among other things in Brook Ridge we had unearthed an old cabinet-maker whom we had engaged for the season to put us in order before we set our possessions in place.

Only two years ago she had been at their own place at Westbury. He looked up, and saw the girl watching him. He dared not think that the expression he caught was one of sympathy, for it changed instantly. "I am afraid you are the silent kind, Mr. Brice," said she; "I believe it is a Yankee trait." Stephen laughed.

The Journal adds: January 6th, 1868. Went on a visit to Loseley Park, then occupied by the Thomson Hankeys the old seat of Sir Thomas More. Mlle. Ernestine declaimed there. From Lord Westbury January 14th.

He was now in the office of the architects Post & Constant, and lived alone in a tiny farmhouse he had made over for himself near Herbert Nelson, at Westbury, Long Island.

R. Ussher, vicar of Westbury, Bucks, the able author of 'Neo-Malthusianism, very kindly sent me a copy of his exhaustive work, which contained many particulars on the points that principally interested M. Zola. Moreover, Mr.

To Lord Westbury, however, the slight was lost in his wrath at the barefaced avowal of a plan of spoliation; and, without taking the trouble to date his letter, he wrote: From Lord Westbury The vis animi evaporates during the slow process of writing; the conception fades and the expression becomes feeble. What we shall do with the other case of Mackonochie I dread to think.

Only two years ago she had been at their own place at Westbury. He looked up, and saw the girl watching him. He dared not think that the expression he caught was one of sympathy, for it changed instantly. "I am afraid you are the silent kind, Mr. Brice," said she; "I believe it is a Yankee trait." Stephen laughed.

Albans he reached Westbury, and there heard that the news had been received of the queen's landing at Plymouth on the very day on which her friends had been defeated at Barnet, and that she had already been joined by the Duke of Somerset, the Earl of Devon, and others, and that Exeter had been named as the point of rendezvous for her friends.