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Scholars do not, however, agree as to the place of the rebirth idea in the Helgi poems, some holding the view that it is an essential part of the story. Hunding. It is possible that the werwolf story is a totem survival. If so, the Hunding feud might easily belong to it: dogs are the natural enemies of wolves. This story, which has not been printed, will be found in the Bodleian MS. Laud, 610.

Bill Carmody, snugly bundled in robes in the bottom of the sled, idly watched the panorama of tree-trunks between which the road twisted in an endless succession of tortuous windings. It was not yet daylight when he rounded the bend which was the scene of his fight with the werwolf.

"There's our werwolf down in the field again," exclaimed Dorothy, peering through the bushes toward the meadow where a man was stooping and standing, examining what he took up from the ground. "Let's go through the field and see what he's doing," exclaimed Roger. "He's been here so many times he must have some purpose."

At the rate the girl had seen the "werwolf" flying over the fields, he must have covered that distance faster than an automobile. And, too, he would take a route much more direct. The countess seemed to have forgotten Ruth's presence; but the girl could not well draw her arm away and remain behind.

The Ethels noticed later on that the man was joined by a girl about their own age. They looked at her carefully so that they would recognize her again if they saw her, and they also noticed that the werwolf, as he talked to her, so often pushed back from his forehead the lock of hair that fell over it that it had become a habit.

Turning his great blue eyes full upon me, he suddenly shot this inquiry, “Be he bar, ecutock or werwolf?” “He is the finest adjusted, easiest running, most exquisitely balanced, highest geared bit of human machinery I ever saw,” I answered enthusiastically. “Wall, maybe ye are right, Le-loo, an’ maybe ye hain’t; which is catamount to saying, maybe it is a man and maybe it tain’t.”

But Israel, recalling his father's dying counsel, persuaded the parents to entrust the children to him once more. Again the werwolf bounded upon the singing children, but Israel routed him with his club.

The werwolf, as the superstitious French peasants declared it to be, crossed both to and from the battle line; for it was frequently seen. It was of this mystery Henriette Dupay had spoken in the library of the chateau that very afternoon. The Dupays believed absolutely in the reality of the werwolf. Only, they were not of those who connected the "Thing" with the lady of the chateau.

Sure, 'tis a gr-rand toime ye've had altogether," he said, glancing at the carcasses, "wid six dead besides her an' three more as good as." Bill laughed: "This wolf the big white one seems to enjoy a reputation, then?" "R-r-reputation! R-r-reputation, is ut? Good Lord, man! Don't ye know her? 'Tis th' werwolf!

They were an enormous flock of sheep and lambs, harried by the Werwolf and fleeing for their lives. But Holland did not want a barrier. She stood with open doors and arms, offering an asylum to the distressed and persecuted. I do not believe that any country has ever made a better record of wise, steady, and true humanitarian work than Holland made in this matter.