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His head ached so terribly and his body was wracked with pain, while his ankle, not having been set for twenty-four hours, had swollen so that it rendered its proper setting a very difficult matter, and caused him unspeakable suffering. Sir Benjamin Grant had to come down to Wendover twice again before things looked in more hopeful state.

It was not in a Wendover to be mean. And all that she had observed hitherto of Brian's way of acting and thinking rather indicated a recklessness about money than an undue care of pounds, shillings, and pence. 'If you don't object to this gown and hat, I can manage very well till we get to my father's house, she said quietly.

I had been sorry to leave Peacock Farm, but I was not sorry to find myself once more in the open road, under a pale and somewhat troubled-looking evening sky, and put my best foot foremost for the inn at Wendover. Wendover, in itself, is a straggling, purposeless sort of place.

Wendover found it was more convenient that his town and country residences should be completely distinct; and it had gradually become an accepted fact at Wimperfield that Temple Chambers were a kind of habitation which a man's wife could hardly visit without violating the first principles of legal etiquette. Brian Walford was speedily reassured as to his position at Wimperfield.

'Don't take me far, he said abruptly, as they started. 'I have not got the energy for it. I have been over-working, and must go away. 'I have been sure of it for some time, said Elsmere warmly. 'You ought to have a long rest. But mayn't I know, Mr. Wendover, before you take it, what this great task is you have been toiling at? Remember, you have never told me a word of it.

Brian's merits were a subject which the Wendover children always shirked, or passed over so lightly that Ida was no wiser for her questioning; and maidenly reserve forbade her too eager inquiry.

Velvet is first mentioned in England in 1295, but probably existed earlier on the Continent. Both Roger de Wendover and Matthew Paris mention a stuff called "imperial:" it was partly gold in weave, but there is some doubt as to its actual texture.

He had explored and investigated every inch of the old dwelling-place, and had found nothing. So much for Sheldon's idea. Mr. Wendover led me from basement to garret, encountering bouncing daughters and boys in brown holland wherever we went; and from basement to garret I found that all was barren.

Wendover plays at nothing. By the way, he had a letter from Langham in his pocket much more cheerful and human than usual. Let him look through it again. Not a word, of course, of that National Gallery experience! a circumstance, however, which threw no light on it either way. 'I find myself a good deal reconciled to life by this migration of mine, wrote Langham.

He eulogized the system of rotten boroughs, since it favored the return to Parliament of young men of great abilities, who without the patronage of nobles would fail in popular elections; and he cited the cases of Pitt, Fox, Burke, Canning, Perceval, and others who represented Appleby, Old Sarum, Wendover, and other places almost without inhabitants. Sir Charles Wetherell, Mr.