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She had passed and repassed him twice silently, and at the third turn the big fellow, peering into the twilight ahead somewhat uneasily, obeyed the glitter of her great eyes, and joined her. "You weren't put out, my wench," he asked, "at what I said to you below?" She affected surprise. "What do you mean?" "Why, at my at what I at my rudeness, there! For I was a bit rude, I admit."

Then she said: "Fine nice young white gen'l'man kneelin' down to a nigger wench! I's wanted to see dat jes once befo' I's called. Now, Gabr'el, blow de hawn, I's ready . . . Git up!" Tom did it. He said, humbly: "Now, Roxy, don't punish me any more. I deserved what I've got, but be good and let me off with that. Don't go to uncle. Tell me I'll give you the five dollars."

And this foolish girl must be, to all intents and purposes, after twelve o'clock this day, as much his wife, as if he were to marry a duchess! And here he must stand the shocks of common reflection! The great Mr. B has done finely! he has married his poor servant wench! will some say.

A life of incessant labour had crushed all sentiment out of her except superstition and she faced the hard facts of existence without emotion. Madge began to weep. "Thee go and shut up the cottage, wench, and come and bide wi' I." Madge did so. In a few days the old woman took to her bed.

She went away well pleased with her four guineas, which she had done nothing to earn. Another wench, also at four guineas, supped with me the following evening. She had been very pretty, and, indeed, was so still, but she was too melancholy and quiet for my taste, and I could not makeup my mind to tell her to undress.

The sigh that accompanied this last observation, with the melancholy tone in which it was uttered, told me that I was talking to a man who had truly loved. "No doubt," thought I, "some strapping backwoods wench has been the object of his passion," for what other idea could I have about the child of a coarse and illiterate squatter?

"Go and see Aunt Rachel?" cried old Fuller, when the girl had told him her intention. "Well, why not?" Ruth ran up-stairs, and Fuller waddled into the room where Reuben waited. "Ruth talks about bringin' th' ode wench back to rayson," he said, with a fat chuckle, "but that's a road Miss Blythe 'll niver travel again, I reckon. Her said good-by to rayson, and shook hands a many hears ago.

Both of them, and the wench in particular, treat me as they would do a spoiled child, and never directly refuse me anything which I ask, taking care, at the same time, not to make their words good by effectually granting my request.

"You will be attacking the wrong man. The marchese is no better than he should be, but he is perfectly galant' uomo, and would throw no sort of difficulty in your way. But you are crediting him with too much zeal. He has many irons in the fire, as we say; and, after all, Miss Virginia is not the only wench in the world." "Per Bacco," said Virginia, "that's true."

Could she have listened to what he was saying she would have heard the words: "By gad, it's the very wench. I'll swear 'tis. Perish me if this isn't the best day's work I've done for many a day. If I don't make Mr. Archibald Dorrimore fork out fifty guineas my name isn't Jeremy Rofflash." Shortly after Lavinia set out on her way to Grub Street.