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The large brass scales near the flour-bins glinted; and the glass cake-stands, with scarce a tart among them, also caught the faint flare of the gas. "What's the matter, Daniel? Anything wrong?" Samuel asked, feeling boyish as he usually did in the presence of Daniel. The well-favoured white-haired man seized him with one hand by the shoulder in a grip that convicted Samuel of frailty.

It was necessity that gave birth to the resolve to travel to the end of the earth of English earth at all events in search of fortune, which swelled the bosom of yonder tall, well-favoured youth, who, seated uncomfortably on the top of that clumsy public conveyance, drives up Market-Jew Street in the ancient town of Penzance.

When he could speak again, Wulfhere answered the man, still smiling. "Aye, man, I saw him. And he was wondrous like Heregar, our master, here." And at that the collier stared at me, and then said: "There be painted saints in our church. But they be not like mortal men, being no wise so well-favoured as the master."

She and her mother are my very good friends. Had any betrothal taken place, I feel sure I should have heard of it." "Do ring for her, Mr. Churchouse, and let me look at her again. Does she know how good-looking she is?" "Youth! Youth! Yes, not being a fool, she knows she is well-favoured much as you do, no doubt.

With a violent start, the clergyman brought his fist crash on the table, and exclaimed aloud, “By Heaven, that’s it!” As one may suppose, everybody in the room started in great astonishment at this extraordinary outburst. With a sharpHollo!” Twiddel turned in his seat, to see the clergyman standing over him with a look of the keenest inquiry in his well-favoured face.

He knew that he was quite competent for the services of which Nuto spoke, and had therefore no fear of failing on that score; but he doubted he should not be received, because he was too young and well-favoured.

"Because I hold the Sacrament of the altar to be but bread and wine, which may not be worshipped under peril of idolatry." "Well, and why comest not to confession?" "Because no priest hath power to remit sins." "Hang 'em! they are all in a story!" said the chief Commissioner, wrathfully. "But she's a well-favoured maid, this: it were verily pity to burn her, if we could win her to recant."

In India, on the little farms of Burmah, of Mysore, and of Sind the grain, year after year, headed out fat, heavy, and well-favoured. In the great San Joaquin valley of California the ranches were one welter of fertility. All over the United States, from the Dakotas, from Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, and Illinois, from all the wheat belt came steadily the reports of good crops.

The boy was in very mean clothes, but of a very fresh and well-favoured countenance; and as he sat by himself, he sang. Hark, said Mr. Great-heart, to what the shepherd's boy saith. So they hearkened, and he said Fullness to such a burden is, That go on pilgrimage; Here little, and hereafter bliss, Is best from age to age. Then said the guide, Do you hear him?

"It is pleasant to hear you say so," said my uncle. "One has to come into the country to hear honest loyalty, for a sneer and a gibe are more the fashions in town. The King is grateful to me for the interest which I have ever shown in his son. He likes to think that the Prince has a man of taste in his circle." "And the Prince?" asked my mother. "Is he well-favoured?"