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"This brings one to perhaps the most costly delinquency of modern Economics, and that is its refusal to incorporate into its weighings and appraisals the facts and hypotheses of modern psychology. Nothing in the postulates of the science of Economics is as ludicrous as its catalogue of human wants.

In all weighings after the first it is well to place the weights upon the balance-pan before removing the crucible from the desiccator.

The luminous projection apparatus illustrated herewith, when adapted to a balance of precision, permits of effecting weighings very rapidly. For the same approximation, the velocity of oscillation becomes five or six times greater, and, by the method employed, the last centigrammes and the milligrammes and their fractions are estimated directly, with immediate verification.

The increase in weight is due to absorption of CO , from which its percentage in the sample may be calculated. By allowing them to remain in the balance case for some time before weighing, the amount of moisture absorbed on the surface is as nearly constant as practicable during two weighings, and a uniform temperature is also assured. !General Discussion!

In pretubercular and early cases of pulmonary consumption, mullein appears to have a distinct weight-increasing power; and I have observed this in several private cases also. Having no weighings of these latter, however, makes this statement merely an expression of opinion.

He should also understand that no set of rules, however complete, can do away with the necessity for a sense of personal responsibility, since by carelessness he can render inaccurate not only his own analyses, but those of all other students using the same balance. Before making any weighings the student should seat himself before a balance and observe the following details of construction: 1.

This must be continued until the weight is constant within 0.0003 gram in two consecutive weighings. Deduct the weight of the crucible, and calculate the percentage of chlorine in the sample of sodium chloride taken for analysis.

While poultryman at the Kansas Experiment Station, the writer made a large number of individual weighings of fowls in the crates of one of the large fattening plants of the state. These weighings pointed out very clearly why the expected profits had not been realized. The birds selected for weighing were all fine, uniform looking Barred Rock Cockerels.

In early cases, mullein milk appears to act very much in the same manner as cod-liver oil; and when we consider that it is at once cheap and palatable it is certainly worth a trial. I will continue the research by careful weighings of early cases; and will further endeavor to ascertain whether the addition of mullein to the cultivating solution prevents the propagation of the phthisical bacillus.

The latter cannot exceed 0.01 cc. in accuracy, which corresponds to 0.01 gram. The student should clearly understand that !all other weighings!, except those for calibration, should be made accurately to 0.0001 gram, unless special directions are given to the contrary.