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Mebbe when you're old as I once and had your back near broke often as I had with hoein' and weedin' and plantin' in the garden you'll be glad when you can set in the house and sew. Ach, now, stop your cryin' and go finish your patchin' and when you're done I'll leave you go in to Greenwald for me to the store and to Granny Hogendobler."

"For my part," said Jonas, turning to Andrew, "it don't seem like as ef it was much use to holler and make a furss about the corn crap when October's fairly sot in, and the frost has nipped the blades. All the plowin' and hoein' and weedin' and thinnin' out the suckers won't, better the yield then. An' when wheat's ripe, they's nothin' to be done fer it. It's got to be rep jest as it stan's.

'Long in de atternoon, ole mis' sot Hannibal ter weedin' de flowers in de front gyahden, en Hannibal dug up all de bulbs ole mis' had sont erway fer, en paid a lot er money fer, en tuk 'em down ter de hawg-pen by de ba'nya'd, en fed 'em ter de hawgs.

"Well, the window was open, and I was weedin' the flower-bed under it; an' I heard 'em talk." "Oh, Jimmy! "'Twa'n't about me, an' 'twa'n't sneak listenin'," bridled Jimmy. "And I'm glad I listened. You will be when I tell ye. Why, it may make Pollyanna walk!" "Jimmy, what do you mean?" Miss Polly was leaning forward eagerly. "There, I told ye so," nodded Jimmy, contentedly. "Well, Dr.

"Weedin'," said Frederick. "Weeding what?" "Weeds," Frederick told him, a little surprised. Mr. Marrapit rapped sharply: "Say 'sir'." "Sir," said Frederick, making to move. Mr. Marrapit peered at the basket. "You have remarkably few." "There ain't never many," Frederick said with quiet pride "there ain't never many if you keep 'em down by always doin' your job." Mr.

'Long in de atternoon, ole mis' sot Hannibal ter weedin' de flowers in de front gya'den, en Hannibal dug up all de bulbs ole mis' had sont erway fer, en paid a lot er money fer, en tuk 'em down ter de hawg-pen by de ba'nya'd, en fed 'em ter de hawgs.

Every man to his hobby; and yours, now, I can understand. When you've finished potterin' around the garden, weedin' an' plantin', an', by the way, the season for plantin' isn't far off. It's about time we looked up those autumn catalogues we talked so much about back in the spring." "True," said 'Bias. "It has slipped my mind of late. An' you not mentionin' either "

He used to prune the rose vines, and now and again he'd do a little dustin'; but once when I had to bake sourdough bread, I pointed out that the garden needed weedin', an' explained to him just what effect weedin' had on garden truck. He sez to me, "My motto is, 'Competition results in the survival of the fittest. I ain't no Socialist."

I see how the cat jumps Minister knows so many languages he hain't been particular enough to keep 'em in separate parcels and mark 'em on the back, and they've got mixed, and sure enough I found my French was so overrun with other sorts, that it was better to lose the whole crop than to go to weedin', for as fast as I pulled up any strange seedlin', it would grow right up agin as quick as wink, if there was the least bit of root in the world left in the ground, so I let it all rot on the field.

"Good land!" exclaimed Washington, his eyes opening wide. "Before Noah built de ark?" "Yes." "Landy gracious! Dat animai'd be so old by dis time dat he couldn't chew de weeds after he pulled'em. Guess I'll hab t'do mah own weedin'." "I reckon you will," added Mark. They went back to the machine shop, and for the next week were very busy over the Annihilator.