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We drafted out all the worst and weediest of the cattle, besides all the old cows, and when we counted the mob out we had nearly eleven hundred first-rate store cattle; lots of fine young bullocks and heifers, more than half fat altogether a prime well-bred mob that no squatter or dealer could fault in any way if the price was right.

So off they rushed home, seized the unhappy man, and, without listening to his cries and entreaties, hurried him down to the river bank and flung him plop! into the deepest, weediest, and nastiest place they could find. 'That will teach him to play tricks on us, said they. 'For as he can't swim he'll drown, and we sha'n't have any more trouble with him!

Why hadn't I thought before of showing my nephews some way of occupying their mind and hands? Who could blame the helpless little things for following every prompting of their unguided minds? Had I not a hundred times been told, when sent to the wood-pile or the weediest part of the garden in my youthful days, that "Satan finds some mischief still For idle hands to do?"

The weediest Tommy in your Company can "carry on." We're a funny crowd in my billet all risen from the ranks except my Senior. John would love us.

Among the seniors those who knew every shift and change in the perplexing postal arrangements, the value of the seediest, weediest Egyptian garron offered for sale in Cairo or Alexandria, who could talk a telegraph-clerk into amiability and soothe the ruffled vanity of a newly appointed staff-officer when press regulations became burdensome was the man in the flannel shirt, the black-browed Torpenhow.

It was smoked in the weediest cigar, and drunk in the strongest cocktail; it was conveyed on deck at noon with limp ladies, who lay there in their wrappers until the stars shone; it waited at table with the stewards; nobody could put it out with the lights. It was not polite to mention it.