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Had she anybody's wedding-cards laid up on a shelf? She had the little black apron at any rate. Poor Cousin Sue! Should she be like that? "Poor Cousin Charlotte!" people would say. Cousin Sue had gone to see about supper when Sharley opened her eyes and sat strongly up. A gentle-faced woman sat between her and the light, in a chair cushioned upon one side for a useless arm.

I wish your poor father could but have lived to see this day! Often as I have missed my old gossip, I don't know that I ever felt the loss of him so keenly as I felt it when Frank's wedding-cards and Frank's letter came to this house. Your friend, if you ever want one, "FRANCIS CLARE, Sen." With one momentary disturbance of her composure, produced by the appearance of Kirke's name in Mr.

Why, you idiot, they're just bursting with envy of me bursting!" said Germaine. "Well, they've every reason to be," she added confidently, surveying herself in a Venetian mirror with a petted child's self-content. Sonia went back to her table, and once more began putting wedding-cards in their envelopes and addressing them.

It was a brilliant, unreal scene; with military bands clashing triumphant music, elegant vehicles, high-stepping horses, and lovely women richly appareled. Wedding-cards have been pouring in till the contagion has reached us; Edith will be married next Thursday. The wedding-dress is being fashioned, and the bridesmaids and groomsmen have arrived.

He hunted about until he found on his mother's desk some left-over wedding-cards, and he sent invitations to both the wedding and reception to Randolph Anderson and his mother, which were received that night. Randolph carried them home, and his mother examined them with considerable satisfaction. "We might go to the ceremony," said she, with doubtful eyes on her son's face.

But people living at a distance, who cannot attend the wedding, should send their cards by mail, to assure the hosts that the invitation has been received. The usual form for wedding-cards is this: Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Chapman request your presence at the marriage of their daughter, on Wednesday evening, November fourth, at eight o'clock. Grace Church.

They've been bustling about all day; but it takes them longer than it does us." "Tell them to hurry up; and be as quick as you can with the tea, please," said Sonia. Alfred went out of the room; Sonia went back to the writing-table. She did not take up her pen; she took up one of the wedding-cards; and her lips moved slowly as she read it in a pondering depression.

It would be proper for a young lady to send her cards to a physician under whose care she has been if she was acquainted with him socially, but it is not expected when the acquaintance is purely professional. A fashionable and popular physician would be swamped with wedding-cards if that were the custom.

He has a touch of enteritis; and for enteritis there is nothing like rest," said the Duke. Sonia was not getting on very quickly with the wedding-cards. Germaine was sitting with her back to her; and over her shoulder Sonia could watch the face of the Duke an extraordinarily mobile face, changing with every passing mood. Sometimes his eyes met hers; and hers fell before them.

She sat down, and he moved a few paces away. Before the writing-table he paused to look at the neatly sorted heaps of wedding-cards. "They are to be sent out to-morrow?" "Yes." He turned back and stood before her. "It's about the woman," he began abruptly "the woman who pretended to be Arthur's wife." Kate started as at the clutch of an unacknowledged fear. "She was his wife, then?"