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Wedding-bells rang out gladly across the plain, and ever as the wedding-party drew near to the white towers with their floating flags, happy bands of people came to meet and welcome Griselda. Very soon the fame of Lord Walter's beautiful wife spread through the land. Nor was it only for her beauty that men praised her.

Bells wedding-bells were ringing also, and the jubilant sounds, like the call of the newsboy, were out of accord with the slumberous feeling of the afternoon. Charley Steele turned his head slowly towards the window. The branches of a maple-tree half crossed it, and the leaves moved softly in the shadow they made.

Countermand the order for cake, send a wire putting off the wedding, dismiss the bridesmaids, tell the organist he can stop practising "The Voice that Breathed O'er Eden" no wedding-bells for you! For Dudley Damfool Pickering, Esquire, the lonely hearth for evermore! Little feet pattering about the house? Not on your life! Childish voices sticking up the old man for half a dollar to buy candy?

It was only in imagination that she heard Frederick Prendergast's wedding-bells when, two months later, he was united to Miss Forde in Grace Church, and that after the fact, their melody being brought to her inner sense next day by the marriage notice in the 'Tribune'. It would be painful, in view of what we know of Frederick Prendergast, to dwell upon what Madeline Anderson undeniably felt.

Mr Rackstraw emitted another of those laughs. 'Well, he said, 'it's off. You can take that as coming from an authoritative source. No wedding-bells for you. Clarence drew himself up, fire flashing from his eyes and a bitter smile curving his expressive lips. 'And no Meredith ball for you! he cried. Mr Rackstraw started as if some strong hand had plunged an auger into him. 'What? he shouted.

I had fancied," in a rush of words, "the mad episode might end as it did in the prince's favorite Fire and Sword trilogy, with wedding-bells and rejoicing." She paused abruptly. "I had also not counted on the all-important possibility that mademoiselle might have bestowed her heart on another " "Madam!" It was Betty Dalrymple who spoke quickly. Sonia Turgeinov laughed maliciously.

Such a week to stir a young heart to love's sweet fever! It passed like a dream, and went finally with the clashing of wedding-bells and the trampling of horses carrying away the bride. Then the guests followed one by one until the house was lonely and deserted; and the servants began to remove the remnants of the feast and to take down the fading wreaths and roses. Mr.

Such a fluttering among Society dove-cotes was seldom seen, and sound of wedding-bells rarely heard with such gleeful joy. It was a love-match, and, therefore, a popular event all over the land. Only a few weeks before, the Duke's horse had won the Derby, and the ovation given him by the racing fraternity was unprecedented to any one, peer or commoner, below royal rank.

It looks like snow, and how I wish it would be something more than a flurry; a regular whizzing, whirring storm that would pack the roads and let us slip over them with our sleigh-bells ringing!" "I should like that, for they would be our only wedding-bells. Oh! Mark!

That's four glasses you've taken." "Thought I was kidding you last night didn't you about wedding-bells?" "You were lit up." "I know. You're going to watch your step, little girl, and I don't know as I blame you. You can get plenty of boys my carat, and a lot of other things thrown in I haven't got to offer you." "As if I wouldn't like you, Charley, if you were dead broke!" "Of course you would!