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"Call that a weddin', Bill; why, it's more like a funeral with the plumes off; and as for the gal, though she's a 'clipper, her face was as pale as a 'long 'un's." Angela never quite knew how she got back to the Abbey House. She only remembered that she was by herself in the fly, her father preferring to travel on the box alone with the coachman.

"What makes you point to me as the man?" asked Jack quietly. "You was late gettin' to your own weddin'." Fresno could not repress his feelings any longer. He started angrily toward McKee, but Jack and Sage-brush held him back. The others were about to follow his lead, when Slim motioned them back with the caution: "Keep out of this, boys!"

"Who's your witness?" asked Slim, in his most judicial tones. "Bud Lane me an' him rode over to the weddin' together from the Lazy K, an' I was put out as not fittin' to be there, an' by that very man there that did the killin'." The punchers had to grin, in spite of the seriousness of the occasion. Buck appeared to be deeply hurt at the unceremonious way he had been left out at the feast.

Going to Jake, she said, "Ain't thar somethin' 'bout a ring in that pra'r book you got in Richmon' an' reads on Sundays?" "Yes, in de weddin' service," Jake replied, and Mandy continued: "Doan' it show dey's married for shoo'!" "For shoo? Yes. I wish Miss Dory had one," Jake answered. Mandy Ann nodded.

Caleb Harper bent forward with a quick gesture of expostulation. "Ef ye does thet, boy," he pleaded, "ye won't skeercely be wedded afore ther officers will come atter ye from over thar in Virginny." "Then they kin come," the voice was obdurate. "I don't aim ter give Almighty God no false name in my weddin' vows."

I thought I'd try to be like Major; but I expect it was mostly because of the looks of it, for I forgot to try before long. Well, in the spring we was married; and when I come to go away, Major put a little red Bible into my trunk for a weddin' present; but I was cryin' too hard to thank her.

Under the witching moonlight he began to manifest tendencies to sentiment and tenderness. Her response was prompt: "Go 'long! what dese common niggah ways got ter do wid a 'liance? Yer show me de gole in dat box dat's de bargain. Den de 'liance hole me fas', an' I'll help yer spen' de money in Washin'on. We'll hab a weddin' scrumptious as white folks. But, law sakes!

Well, Proph', he sez that while the weddin' march was bein' played in the church the night o' Sonny's weddin' thet he couldn't hear his own ears for the racket among all the live things in the woods.

I've thought a many time how his readin' and his rearin' didn't go hand in glove. Bonnets, indeed! Have I not the very one I wore when I came to Peace Island. A charmin' thing, all green ribbons and red roses. I shall wear it again, to my Pierre's weddin'. 'Tis for that I've been savin' it. And, well, because a body has no need to wear out bonnets on this bit of land in water. No."

Then it's me tilted back with my heels up and the suds artist decoratin' my map until it looks like a Polish weddin' cake. Don't it hit you foolish the first time, though? I felt like everybody in the shop, includin' the brush boy and the battery of lady manicures, was all gathered around pipin' me off as a raw beginner. So I stares haughty at the ceilin' and tries to put on a bored look.